"The Night of Ideas" is a mini conference that aims to discuss different aspects of gentrification and it's impact on "third places" and local communities.

Gentrification refers to the process of upscaling local areas, often resulting in higher housing prices and changes in population representation. The conference discusses how different interests can work together to create solutions which will benefit both social arenas and the local community.

The event is arranged by Norwegian-French institute in collaboration with Tou.

Where: Maskinhallen at Tou in Stavanger Øst

When: 15:00 - 20:30

Free of charge


15:00 - 15:15: Registration and Welcome Coffee

15:15 - 15:30: Opening words by Per Arne Alstad

15:30 - 16:30: Keynote Session with questions from the audience.

"Third Places and their Impact on Local Communities » by Antoine Burret (sociology and anthropology researcher)

16:30 - 16:50: Coffee Break and networking

16:50 - 18:20: Panel Discussion: Gentrification - A sharing of responsibilities.

(Who are the actors of the gentrification? and how they can contribute to a sustainable model for the third places and the local communities?)

With; Local property developers, third places stakeholders and local environment actors. Antoine Burret (sociology and anthropology researcher) Harald Martin Gjøvaag (entrepreneur), Eunseon Park (Artist, PHD in urban planning), Henrik lundberg (Architect) Kenneth Bøe (Bevar Svankevigå, local inhabitant)
Moderator: Jens Kaae Fisker (University of Stavanger, Social sciences)

18:20 - 19:00: Dinner break (optional)

19:00 - 20:00: Workshop Session: "Building together »

TABLE 1: How would you like to see Tou in 20 years from now?

TABLE 2: "Gentrification; useful or dangerous?

TABLE 3: Old buildings or new buildings?

20:00 - 20:20: Restitutions from the workshops and response from the panel.

20:20 - 20:30: Closing Remarks and Networking

20:30 - 21:00 Artistic performance by Stina Kjelstad

21:00 - Drinks at Øst bar

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