events importer

Warning: Undefined array key "excerpt" in /datadrive/ on line 2498
DEBUG: set debugmode active via template, level: 2
DEBUG: version of plugin: 3.8.2
DEBUG: selected parser: twig351adj
DEBUG: ID of the creating page is 5558
DEBUG: mode: create
DEBUG: createoptions: {"loop":"", "title":"{{navn}}", "slugname": "{{navn}}", "requiredfields":"navn", "deleteold": "yes", "cpt": [ {"key":"unique_id", "slug":"event", "matches": [ {"event-id":"arrid"} ] } ]}
DEBUG: createoptions in shortcode: JSON ok!
DEBUG: set method via template 8, method: curlpost
DEBUG: set template via template 8: Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}
DEBUG: set url via template 8:
DEBUG: active method: curlpost
DEBUG: dynamic url NOT allowed, therefore ignore pathparam / fileext. Switch on: See plugin-options
DEBUG: curloptions really used:
DEBUG: Caching-Foldercheck: Cachefolders ok and available
DEBUG: use this cachefile: /datadrive/
DEBUG: Caching is enabled: Cachetime set via Plugin-Options: 10 minutes
DEBUG: postbody IGNORED, this is used only if WP-POST is selected as method:
DEBUG: twig: use wpautop
DEBUG: taxonomies of that CPT: Array ( )

start creating pages:
create page without JSON-loopkey
no of pages to create: 36
Toolset pagetype set: event
DELETE Custom Posts:
typeOfNewpage: event
nameofthejsonimport: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
try to delete previous generated pages! key: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
found 37 pages of this type: event - try to delete these pages
delete runtime: 1
all 37 pages successfully deleted

title template from shortcode: {{navn}}
excerpt template from shortcode:
slugname template from shortcode: {{navn}}

start looping:

(1) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (1) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Den Spiselige Byfest [sted] => Uteområdet [stedid] => 700 [arrid] => 13618 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-25 10:46:55 [dato] => 2024-07-27 [datoslutt] => 2024-07-27 [datostart] => 2024-07...

(1) title of created page: Den Spiselige Byfest
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Den Spiselige Byfest [sted] => Uteområdet [stedid] => 700 [arrid] => 13618 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-25 10:46:55 [dato] => 2024-07-27 [datoslutt] => 2024-07-27 [datostart] => 2024-...

(1) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Den Spiselige Byfest [sted] => Uteområdet [stedid] => 700 [arrid] => 13618 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-25 10:46:55 [dato] => 2024-07-27 [datoslutt] => 2024-07-27 [datostart] => 2024...

(1) slug: Den Spiselige Byfest
(1) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Den Spiselige Byfest [sted] => Uteområdet [stedid] => 700 [arrid] => 13618 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07...

(1) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Den Spiselige Byfest","sted":"Uteomr\u00e5det","stedid":"700","arrid":"13618","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-25 10:46:55","dato":"2024-07-27","datoslutt":"2024-07-27","datostart":"2024-07-25","datoshowto":"2024-07-27","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/13618","starttid":"12:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"","starter":"12:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000013618\/447733188_862858089209432_1463178060656772813_n.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000013618\/thmb447733188_862858089209432_1463178060656772813_n.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000013618\/small447733188_862858089209432_1463178060656772813_n.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000013618\/medium447733188_862858089209432_1463178060656772813_n.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000013618\/large447733188_862858089209432_1463178060656772813_n.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><strong>Spiselig Byfest,&nbsp;<\/strong>v\u00e5r helt egen festival som hyller alt det Stavanger \u00d8st st\u00e5r for! Vi satser p\u00e5 finv\u00e6r, og garanterer for gode matopplevelser og feriestemning i bydelen gr\u00f8nne lunger, sosiale rom og restauranter. Velkommen til stemningsfulle dager med god mat, fin musikk, arrangementer og overraskelser for b\u00e5de barn, ungdom og voksne. <\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Br\u00f8l, Ry, Fortou, Oransjeriet og Ostehuset stiller med egne spesialsm\u00e5retter til 120,- i tillegg til sine ordin\u00e6re menyer. Mat fra alle samarbeidspartnere kan nytes ute i parken ved fint v\u00e6r, ved uv\u00e6r skaper vi byfest inne hos oss alle, du kan ta med mat fra oss alle til oss alle.&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Vi gj\u00f8r det enkelt \u00e5 bestille mat digitalt, slik at du slipper k\u00f8en, og heller kan prioritere \u00e5 henge med familien og venner til beskjeden om at maten er ferdig tikker inn. <\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"> <\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Vi gleder oss til \u00e5 ta i mot dere <img src=\"https:\/\/\/evergreen-assets\/personal-expressions\/v2\/assets\/emoticons\/heart\/default\/30_f.png?v=v34\" width=\"20\" itemtype=\"http:\/\/\/Emoji\" itemid=\"heart\" alt=\"&#10084;&#65039;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><strong>PROGRAM<\/strong> <\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">TORSDAG 25.07<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Servering i Lervigtunet Park fra 12-22<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Fra kl 12.00: Loppemarked \/\/ Resepsjonen<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Fra kl 16.00: Torsdagshils og &quot;Quiz for Dummies&quot; \/\/ RY<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Kl 17.00-22.00: Kniv Kollektiv, Baby back-up: DJ Jazzface \/\/ Resepsjonen &amp; \u00d8st<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Kl 18.00-20.00: Utstillings\u00e5pning: Nothing petals cannot say, resting in the worlds bone av Madelen Isa Lindgren \/\/ Forhallen (Tou)<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">FREDAG 26.07<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Servering i Lervigtunet Park fra 12-22&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Fra kl 12.00: Loppemarked \/\/ Resepsjonen<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Kl 13.00-17.00: \u00c5pen utstilling: Nothing petals cannot say, resting in the worlds bone av Madelen Isa Lindgren \/\/ Forhallen (Tou)<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Kl 17.00-22.00: DJ 2 Pils \/\/ Resepsjonen &amp; \u00d8st<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Fra kl 20.00: Ka-Ry-oke med Jean Birgitte \/\/ RY<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">L\u00d8RDAG 27.07<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Servering i Lervigtunet Park fra 12-22<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Fra kl 12.00: Loppemarked \/\/ Resepsjonen<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Kl 13.00-17.00: &nbsp;\u00c5pen utstilling: Nothing petals cannot say, resting in the worlds bone av Madelen Isa Lindgren \/\/ Forhallen (Tou)<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Kl 16.00: Bingo p\u00e5 Resepsjonen - Spiselig Byfest edition<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Kl 17.00-22.00: DJ S\u00f8lvreven \/\/ Resepsjonen &amp; \u00d8st<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">Fra kl 17.00: DJ Cyril and the sect \/\/ spiller en eklektisk blanding av funk og gode vibber \/\/ RY<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">*<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><strong>Spesialsm\u00e5retter kan bestilles her:&nbsp;<\/strong><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\"><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;\">https:\/\/\/denspiseligebyfest<\/p>\r\n <br \/>","teaser":"","typeid":"25","field19":"Gratis","fields":"19","typenavn":"Festival","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (1) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Den Spiselige Byfest&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Uteomr\u00e5det&quot;,&quot;stedid&quot;:&a...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(1) featured image URL:
(1) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(1) No url_default for featured image defined
(1) no featured image defined
(1) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:28
DEBUG: (1) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:28
DEBUG: (1) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (1) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:28
DEBUG: (1) creating of new post ok, id=9515
DEBUG: (1) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(1) show created page 9515:
(1) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(2) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (2) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => NXT sommer LAB Forestilling [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15265 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-24 15:42:43 [dato] => 2024-07-27 [d...

(2) title of created page: NXT sommer LAB Forestilling
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => NXT sommer LAB Forestilling [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15265 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-24 15:42:43 [dato] => 2024-07-27 ...

(2) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => NXT sommer LAB Forestilling [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15265 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-24 15:42:43 [dato] => 2024-07-27 ...

(2) slug: NXT sommer LAB Forestilling
(2) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => NXT sommer LAB Forestilling [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 ...

(2) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"NXT sommer LAB Forestilling","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15265","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-24 15:42:43","dato":"2024-07-27","datoslutt":"2024-07-27","datostart":"2024-07-27","datoshowto":"2024-07-27","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15265","starttid":"17:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"18:00","aapner":"","starter":"17:00:00","slutt":"18:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015265\/sommer%20lab%202023%201.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015265\/thmbsommer%20lab%202023%201.png.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015265\/smallsommer%20lab%202023%201.png.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015265\/mediumsommer%20lab%202023%201.png.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015265\/largesommer%20lab%202023%201.png.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Olaf Leiros","arrangoerid":"296","age":"0","tekst":" Nxtlab presenterer: \r\n <strong> NXT sommer LAB Forestilling <\/strong> \r\n L\u00f8rdag 27. juli 17.00 \r\n <br \/> \r\n <strong> Om forestillingen:<\/strong> \r\n 20 Ungdommer er samlet over en uke p\u00e5 Tou for \u00e5 skape en helt unik forestilling denne l\u00f8rdagen. \r\n <br \/> \r\n Nxtlab har formet et unik uttrykk sammen med ungdommer over det siste \u00e5ret. Vi mikser selvskrevne tekster, fysisk teater, dans og multimedia og skaper en dr\u00f8mmende verden som er ankret i virkelighetsn\u00e6re relasjoner og hendelser. \r\n <br \/> \r\n Nxtlab skaper teater ved \u00e5 anvende devising teknikk fra England. Dette betyr at ungdommene er med i \u00e5 skape innhold og iscenesettelse sammen med leder Olaf Leiros Galicki. \r\n <br \/> \r\n \r\n Dr\u00f8mmende? Uvanlig? Relaterbart? \r\n Ja, det er det - vi trenger unge stemmer til \u00e5 puste friskt liv inn i teateret som kan bli h\u00f8rt! \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"21","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Kurs\/Workshop","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (2) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;NXT sommer LAB Forestilling&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(2) featured image URL:
(2) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(2) No url_default for featured image defined
(2) no featured image defined
(2) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (2) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (2) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (2) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (2) creating of new post ok, id=9516
DEBUG: (2) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(2) show created page 9516:
(2) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(3) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (3) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling i Forhallen: NOTHING PETALS CANNOT SAY, RESTING IN THE WORLDS BONE [sted] => Forhall [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 504 [arrid] => 15267 [eventlastchanged] => 202...

(3) title of created page: Utstilling i Forhallen: NOTHING PETALS CANNOT SAY, RESTING IN THE WORLDS BONE
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling i Forhallen: NOTHING PETALS CANNOT SAY, RESTING IN THE WORLDS BONE [sted] => Forhall [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 504 [arrid] => 15267 [eventlastchanged] => 2...

(3) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling i Forhallen: NOTHING PETALS CANNOT SAY, RESTING IN THE WORLDS BONE [sted] => Forhall [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 504 [arrid] => 15267 [eventlastchanged] => ...

(3) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling i Forhallen: NOTHING PETALS CANNOT SAY, RESTING IN THE WORLDS BONE [sted] => Forhall [longitude] => 5.75797 [...

(3) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Utstilling i Forhallen: NOTHING PETALS CANNOT SAY, RESTING IN THE WORLDS BONE","sted":"Forhall","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"504","arrid":"15267","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-27 11:37:37","dato":"2024-07-28","datoslutt":"2024-07-28","datostart":"2024-07-25","datoshowto":"2024-07-28","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15267","starttid":"13:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"17:00","starter":"13:00:00","slutt":"17:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015267\/3-2.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015267\/thmb3-2.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015267\/small3-2.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015267\/medium3-2.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015267\/large3-2.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p>NOTHING PETALS CANNOT SAY, RESTING IN THE WORLDS BONE&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n <p>av Madelen Isa Lindgren<\/p> \r\n <p><strong>OM UTSTILLINGEN:<\/strong> Med utgangspunkt i botanisk anatomi, vekst og forfall, presenterer utstillingen et scenario hvor fortid og fremtid kolliderer. I denne sammenhengen eksisterer dekadanse og rekonstruksjon i en synkron dualitet, og skaper en hypotetisk arkeologisk tilstand. Lindgren oversetter kamuflasje og beskyttelse til skulpturelle overlevelsesstrategier, der sammensetningen av materialer og former imiterer en stivnet metamorfose. Utstillingen beveger seg fra det organiske til det statiske, og fra det levende til det ikke-levende gjennom former og uttrykk for overlevelse, syklus og forgjengelighet.<\/p> \r\n <p>Utstillings\u00e5pning torsdag 25. juli kl 18-20<\/p>\r\n <p>Utstillingen skal v\u00e6re \u00e5pen fra 26. juli til 28. juli, kl 13-17.<\/p> \r\n <p><strong>OM KUNSTNEREN<\/strong>: Madelen Isa Lindgren (f. 1990) er en norsk kunstner som arbeider med skulptur. Hun har en BA fra Kunsth\u00f8gskolen i Oslo, en grad i utdanningsteori og praksis i kunst og design fra OsloMet, og en MA i kunst fra Universitetet i Bergen, fullf\u00f8rt v\u00e5ren 2024. Hennes arbeid har blitt vist i b\u00e5de nasjonale og internasjonale gallerier og institusjoner, inkludert Fotogalleriet, Kunstnerforbundet, K4 Gallery, Kunsthall Oslo, Salgshallen, Saksumdal Tempel og Bomuldsfabriken i Norge; Museum FLUXUS, Galerie Gerken, KA32 i Berlin, Tyskland; og Kastela Art Centre i Athen, Hellas. Lindgren bor og arbeider mellom Bergen og Berlin, hvor hun ogs\u00e5 jobber som kurator og redakt\u00f8r for MOLT.<\/p> \r\n <p>***<\/p> \r\n <p><strong>ABOUT THE EXHIBITION<\/strong>: Rooted in botanical anatomy, growth, and decay, the exhibition presents a scenario where past and distant future collide. In this context, decadence and reconstruction exist in a synchronised duality, forming a hypothetical archaeological state. Lindgren translates camouflage and protection into sculptural survival strategies, with materials and shapes mimicking a frozen metamorphosis. The exhibition transitions from the organic to the static, and from the living to the non-living through forms and expressions of survival, cycles, and transience.<\/p>\r\n <p>Opening: 25th July at 18.00.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n <p>The exhibition is open 26th-28th July from 13.00-17.00.&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n <p><strong>ABOUT THE ARTIST:<\/strong>&nbsp;Madelen Isa Lindgren (b. 1990) is a Norwegian artist working with sculpture. She holds a BA from Oslo National Academy of the Arts, a degree in Educational Theory and Practice in Art and Design Education from OsloMet, and an MA in Fine Art from the University of Bergen, completed spring 2024. Her work has been exhibited in both national and international galleries and institutions, including Fotogalleriet, Kunstnerforbundet, K4 Gallery, Kunsthall Oslo, Salgshallen, Saksumdal Tempel, and Bomuldsfabriken in Norway; Museum FLUXUS, Galerie Gerken, KA32 in Berlin, Germany; and Kastela Art Centre in Athens, Greece. Lindgren lives and works between Bergen and Berlin, where she also works as a curator and editor for MOLT.<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"6","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Utstilling\/Billedkunst","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (3) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Utstilling i Forhallen: NOTHING PETALS CANNOT SAY, RESTING IN THE WORLDS BONE&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quo...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(3) featured image URL:
(3) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(3) No url_default for featured image defined
(3) no featured image defined
(3) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (3) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (3) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (3) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (3) creating of new post ok, id=9517
DEBUG: (3) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(3) show created page 9517:
(3) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(4) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (4) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstillingsåpning Forhallen: Mette Sandfær [sted] => Forhallen (Ølhallene) [stedid] => 686 [arrid] => 15272 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-16 14:01:59 [dato] => 2024-08-01 [datoslutt] ...

(4) title of created page: Utstillingsåpning Forhallen: Mette Sandfær
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstillingsåpning Forhallen: Mette Sandfær [sted] => Forhallen (Ølhallene) [stedid] => 686 [arrid] => 15272 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-16 14:01:59 [dato] => 2024-08-01 [datoslutt...

(4) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstillingsåpning Forhallen: Mette Sandfær [sted] => Forhallen (Ølhallene) [stedid] => 686 [arrid] => 15272 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-16 14:01:59 [dato] => 2024-08-01 [datoslut...

(4) slug: Utstillingsåpning Forhallen: Mette Sandfær
(4) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstillingsåpning Forhallen: Mette Sandfær [sted] => Forhallen (Ølhallene) [stedid] => 686 [arrid] =&...

(4) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Utstillings\u00e5pning Forhallen: Mette Sandf\u00e6r","sted":"Forhallen (\u00d8lhallene)","stedid":"686","arrid":"15272","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-16 14:01:59","dato":"2024-08-01","datoslutt":"2024-08-01","datostart":"2024-08-01","datoshowto":"2024-08-01","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15272","starttid":"18:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"20:00","starter":"18:00:00","slutt":"20:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015272\/Tag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015272\/thmbTag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015272\/smallTag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015272\/mediumTag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015272\/largeTag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":" OM UTSTILLINGEN: Mette Sandf\u00e6r jobber f\u00f8rst og fremst med skulptur og installasjon. <br \/><br \/> \r\n Friheten til \u00e5 eksperimentere er en sv\u00e6rt viktig del av hennes praksis. Dette oppn\u00e5r hun ved \u00e5 kombinere og bearbeide funnede ydmyke materialer og objekter. <br \/><br \/> \r\n Materialene kan ha skulpturelt potensial, en innebygd historie eller v\u00e6re egnet for spesifikke form\u00e5l. De kan ha estetiske, assosiative og materielle verdier. Sandf\u00e6r trives med \u00e5 utfordre konvensjoner og snu opp ned p\u00e5 hierarkier. Hun \u00f8nsker \u00e5 utfordre dominerende oppfatninger, og hun ser det som en m\u00e5te \u00e5 balansere liv, verdier og synspunkter - og fortsette \u00e5 stille sp\u00f8rsm\u00e5l. <br \/><br \/> \r\n Arte Poveras ideer om \u00e5 skape noe fra enkle virkemidler inspirerer Sandf\u00e6r og reflekteres i hennes tiln\u00e6rming til arbeidet. Materialer fra tidligere utstillinger demonteres og gjenbrukes, og samtidig samler Sandf\u00e6r kontinuerlig inn nytt materiale under sine daglige turer i Bergen, akkurat som Robert Rauschenbergs leting etter kasserte gjenstander i sin &quot;walk around the block&quot;. Begrensninger er viktige for Sandf\u00e6r, og hun ser p\u00e5 dem som en utfordring: Hvordan kan objekter brukes, kanskje til tross for at de ikke virker attraktive eller nyttige? Hva kan de kombineres med for \u00e5 skape noe nytt? Hvordan kan skjebnen deres endres? <br \/><br \/> \r\n Utstillings\u00e5pning torsdag 01. august kl 18-20 <br \/><br \/> \r\n Utstillingen skal v\u00e6re \u00e5pen fra 2. til 4. august, kl 13-17.<br \/><br \/> \r\n *** <br \/><br \/> \r\n ABOUT THE EXHIBITION: \r\n Mette Sandf\u00e6r primarily works with sculpture and installation. The freedom to experiment isa very important part of her practice. She achieves this by combining and processing found humble materials and objects. <br \/><br \/> \r\n The materials may have sculptural potential, a built-in history or be made for a specific purpose. They can have aesthetic, associative and material values. Sandf\u00e6r thrives on challenging conventions and turning hierarchies upside down. She wants to challenge dominant beliefs, and she sees it as a way to balance life, values and views - and to keep asking questions. <br \/><br \/> \r\n Arte Povera's ideas about creating something from simple tools inspire Sandf\u00e6r and are reflected in her approach to work. Materials from previous exhibitions are dismantled and reused, and at the same time Sandf\u00e6r continuously collects new material during his daily walks in Bergen, just like Robert Rauschenberg's search for discarded objects in his &quot;walk around the block&quot;. Limitations are important to Sandf\u00e6r, and she sees them as a<br class=\"html-br\" \/> challenge: How can objects be used, perhaps despite the fact that they do not seem attractive or useful? What can they be combined with to create something new? How can their fate change? <br \/><br \/> \r\n Opening: 01st August at 18.00-20:00 <br \/><br \/> \r\n The exhibition is open 2nd-4th August from 13.00-17.00. ","teaser":"","typeid":"6","typenavn":"Utstilling\/Billedkunst","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (4) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Utstillings\u00e5pning Forhallen: Mette Sandf\u00e6r&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Forhallen (\u00d8lhalle...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(4) featured image URL:
(4) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(4) No url_default for featured image defined
(4) no featured image defined
(4) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (4) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (4) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (4) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (4) creating of new post ok, id=9518
DEBUG: (4) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(4) show created page 9518:
(4) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(5) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (5) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling i Forhallen: Mette Sandfær [sted] => Forhallen (Ølhallene) [stedid] => 686 [arrid] => 15295 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-16 14:05:07 [dato] => 2024-08-04 [datoslutt] => 2024-...

(5) title of created page: Utstilling i Forhallen: Mette Sandfær
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling i Forhallen: Mette Sandfær [sted] => Forhallen (Ølhallene) [stedid] => 686 [arrid] => 15295 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-16 14:05:07 [dato] => 2024-08-04 [datoslutt] => 202...

(5) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling i Forhallen: Mette Sandfær [sted] => Forhallen (Ølhallene) [stedid] => 686 [arrid] => 15295 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-16 14:05:07 [dato] => 2024-08-04 [datoslutt] => 20...

(5) slug: Utstilling i Forhallen: Mette Sandfær
(5) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling i Forhallen: Mette Sandfær [sted] => Forhallen (Ølhallene) [stedid] => 686 [arrid] => 15295 ...

(5) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Utstilling i Forhallen: Mette Sandf\u00e6r","sted":"Forhallen (\u00d8lhallene)","stedid":"686","arrid":"15295","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-16 14:05:07","dato":"2024-08-04","datoslutt":"2024-08-04","datostart":"2024-08-02","datoshowto":"2024-08-04","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15295","starttid":"13:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"17:00","starter":"13:00:00","slutt":"17:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015295\/Tag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015295\/thmbTag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015295\/smallTag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015295\/mediumTag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015295\/largeTag%20Team%20Mette%20Sandf%E6r%20foto%20Thor%20Br%F8dreskift_mindre_36.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou Atelierhus","arrangoerid":"194","age":"0","tekst":"OM UTSTILLINGEN: Mette Sandf\u00e6r jobber f\u00f8rst og fremst med skulptur og installasjon.<br \/><br \/>\r\n Friheten til \u00e5 eksperimentere er en sv\u00e6rt viktig del av hennes praksis. Dette oppn\u00e5r hun ved \u00e5 kombinere og bearbeide funnede ydmyke materialer og objekter.<br \/><br \/>\r\n Materialene kan ha skulpturelt potensial, en innebygd historie eller v\u00e6re egnet for spesifikke form\u00e5l. De kan ha estetiske, assosiative og materielle verdier. Sandf\u00e6r trives med \u00e5 utfordre konvensjoner og snu opp ned p\u00e5 hierarkier. Hun \u00f8nsker \u00e5 utfordre dominerende oppfatninger, og hun ser det som en m\u00e5te \u00e5 balansere liv, verdier og synspunkter - og fortsette \u00e5 stille sp\u00f8rsm\u00e5l.<br \/><br \/>\r\n Arte Poveras ideer om \u00e5 skape noe fra enkle virkemidler inspirerer Sandf\u00e6r og reflekteres i hennes tiln\u00e6rming til arbeidet. Materialer fra tidligere utstillinger demonteres og gjenbrukes, og samtidig samler Sandf\u00e6r kontinuerlig inn nytt materiale under sine daglige turer i Bergen, akkurat som Robert Rauschenbergs leting etter kasserte gjenstander i sin &quot;walk around the block&quot;. Begrensninger er viktige for Sandf\u00e6r, og hun ser p\u00e5 dem som en utfordring: Hvordan kan objekter brukes, kanskje til tross for at de ikke virker attraktive eller nyttige? Hva kan de kombineres med for \u00e5 skape noe nytt? Hvordan kan skjebnen deres endres?<br \/><br \/>\r\n Utstillings\u00e5pning torsdag 01. august kl 18-20<br \/><br \/>\r\n Utstillingen skal v\u00e6re \u00e5pen fra 2. til 4. august, kl 13-17.<br \/><br \/>\r\n ***<br \/><br \/>\r\n ABOUT THE EXHIBITION:\r\n Mette Sandf\u00e6r primarily works with sculpture and installation. The freedom to experiment isa very important part of her practice. She achieves this by combining and processing found humble materials and objects.<br \/><br \/>\r\n The materials may have sculptural potential, a built-in history or be made for a specific purpose. They can have aesthetic, associative and material values. Sandf\u00e6r thrives on challenging conventions and turning hierarchies upside down. She wants to challenge dominant beliefs, and she sees it as a way to balance life, values and views - and to keep asking questions.<br \/><br \/>\r\n Arte Povera's ideas about creating something from simple tools inspire Sandf\u00e6r and are reflected in her approach to work. Materials from previous exhibitions are dismantled and reused, and at the same time Sandf\u00e6r continuously collects new material during his daily walks in Bergen, just like Robert Rauschenberg's search for discarded objects in his &quot;walk around the block&quot;. Limitations are important to Sandf\u00e6r, and she sees them as a<br class=\"html-br\" \/>challenge: How can objects be used, perhaps despite the fact that they do not seem attractive or useful? What can they be combined with to create something new? How can their fate change?<br \/><br \/>\r\n Opening: 01st August at 18.00-20:00<br \/><br \/>\r\n The exhibition is open 2nd-4th August from 13.00-17.00.","teaser":"","typeid":"6","typenavn":"Utstilling\/Billedkunst","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (5) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Utstilling i Forhallen: Mette Sandf\u00e6r&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Forhallen (\u00d8lhallene)&qu...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(5) featured image URL:
(5) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(5) No url_default for featured image defined
(5) no featured image defined
(5) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (5) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (5) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (5) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (5) creating of new post ok, id=9519
DEBUG: (5) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(5) show created page 9519:
(5) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(6) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (6) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstillingsåpning - Pia Noreger: Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 14829 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-05-13 14:05:28 [d...

(6) title of created page: Utstillingsåpning - Pia Noreger: Utopia
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstillingsåpning - Pia Noreger: Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 14829 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-05-13 14:05:28 ...

(6) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstillingsåpning - Pia Noreger: Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 14829 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-05-13 14:05:28 ...

(6) slug: Utstillingsåpning - Pia Noreger: Utopia
(6) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstillingsåpning - Pia Noreger: Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695...

(6) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Utstillings\u00e5pning - Pia Noreger: Utopia","sted":"\u00f8lhallene","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"432","arrid":"14829","eventlastchanged":"2024-05-13 14:05:28","dato":"2024-08-09","datoslutt":"2024-08-09","datostart":"2024-08-09","datoshowto":"2024-08-09","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14829","starttid":"18:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"21:00","starter":"18:00:00","slutt":"21:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014829\/Flyvefisk%20Tou.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014829\/thmbFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014829\/smallFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014829\/mediumFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014829\/largeFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p class=\"p1\" style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;\">Pia Noreger er en kunstner opprinnelig fra Stavanger, n\u00e5 bosatt i Haugesund, hvis karriere har v\u00e6rt drevet av en urokkelig lidenskap for skapende arbeid. Hun er en av de ledende skikkelsene bak den velkjente Fargegaten i Stavanger, og som grunnlegger av den popul\u00e6re bokkafeen &quot;B\u00f8ker &amp; B\u00f8rst&quot; har hun satt sitt preg p\u00e5 byens kulturelle landskap. I Haugesund har hun etablert den levende kulturscenen &quot;Bedehusets Bar &amp; Bazaar&quot;, et sted som er kjent for \u00e5 v\u00e6re vertskap for en rekke kulturelle arrangementer innen musikk, teater, film og litteratur. I tillegg til sitt arbeid som scenograf og rekvisittmaker for Haugesund Teater, har Noreger ogs\u00e5 markert seg gjennom flere oppdrag med offentlig utsmykning. Hennes debut som kunstner fant sted gjennom en vellykket utstilling p\u00e5 Haugaland Kunstverk i september 2020.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p2\" style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;\">Med et \u00f8nske om \u00e5 tilf\u00f8re \u00f8yeblikk av glede og inspirasjon i en ellers gr\u00e5 hverdag, finner Noreger sin kreative drivkraft i dyreriket. Enten det er formen p\u00e5 et tukan-nebb, fj\u00e6rpryden til en kakadue, eller de fargerike utsmykningene til indiske elefanter under festivaler, lar hun seg inspirere av naturens mangfold. Gjennom sine levende og fargerike skulpturer s\u00f8ker hun \u00e5 hylle og gjenopplive disse dyrene ved \u00e5 bruke en mosaikkstil med glassk\u00e5r, knust speil, perler og ulike gjenbruksmaterialer.<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"6","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Utstilling\/Billedkunst","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (6) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Utstillings\u00e5pning - Pia Noreger: Utopia&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;\u00f8lhallene&quot;,&q...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(6) featured image URL:
(6) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(6) No url_default for featured image defined
(6) no featured image defined
(6) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (6) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (6) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (6) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (6) creating of new post ok, id=9520
DEBUG: (6) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(6) show created page 9520:
(6) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(7) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (7) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15296 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:51:47 [dato] => 20...

(7) title of created page: Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15296 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:51:47 [dato] => ...

(7) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15296 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:51:47 [dato] =>...

(7) slug: Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia
(7) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid]...

(7) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia","sted":"\u00f8lhallene","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"432","arrid":"15296","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-18 11:51:47","dato":"2024-08-11","datoslutt":"2024-08-11","datostart":"2024-08-10","datoshowto":"2024-08-11","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15296","starttid":"14:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"18:00","starter":"14:00:00","slutt":"18:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015296\/Flyvefisk%20Tou.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015296\/thmbFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015296\/smallFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015296\/mediumFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015296\/largeFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Pia Noreger er en kunstner opprinnelig fra Stavanger, n\u00e5 bosatt i Haugesund, hvis karriere har v\u00e6rt drevet av en urokkelig lidenskap for skapende arbeid. Hun er en av de ledende skikkelsene bak den velkjente Fargegaten i Stavanger, og som grunnlegger av den popul\u00e6re bokkafeen &quot;B\u00f8ker &amp; B\u00f8rst&quot; har hun satt sitt preg p\u00e5 byens kulturelle landskap. I Haugesund har hun etablert den levende kulturscenen &quot;Bedehusets Bar &amp; Bazaar&quot;, et sted som er kjent for \u00e5 v\u00e6re vertskap for en rekke kulturelle arrangementer innen musikk, teater, film og litteratur. I tillegg til sitt arbeid som scenograf og rekvisittmaker for Haugesund Teater, har Noreger ogs\u00e5 markert seg gjennom flere oppdrag med offentlig utsmykning. Hennes debut som kunstner fant sted gjennom en vellykket utstilling p\u00e5 Haugaland Kunstverk i september 2020.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p2\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Med et \u00f8nske om \u00e5 tilf\u00f8re \u00f8yeblikk av glede og inspirasjon i en ellers gr\u00e5 hverdag, finner Noreger sin kreative drivkraft i dyreriket. Enten det er formen p\u00e5 et tukan-nebb, fj\u00e6rpryden til en kakadue, eller de fargerike utsmykningene til indiske elefanter under festivaler, lar hun seg inspirere av naturens mangfold. Gjennom sine levende og fargerike skulpturer s\u00f8ker hun \u00e5 hylle og gjenopplive disse dyrene ved \u00e5 bruke en mosaikkstil med glassk\u00e5r, knust speil, perler og ulike gjenbruksmaterialer.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Utstillings\u00e5pning:<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">09 august - kl. 18:00-21:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">\u00c5pningstider Utstilling:<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">10-11 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">16-18 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">23-25 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Det kan avtales private omvisninger utenom de oppsatte \u00e5pningstidene.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Ta kontakt med Pia Noreger p\u00e5 tlf: 959 26 929<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"6","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Utstilling\/Billedkunst","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (7) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;\u00f8lhallene&quot;,&quot;longitud...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(7) featured image URL:
(7) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(7) No url_default for featured image defined
(7) no featured image defined
(7) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (7) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (7) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (7) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (7) creating of new post ok, id=9521
DEBUG: (7) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(7) show created page 9521:
(7) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(8) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (8) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Lønningsbingo [sted] => Resepsjonen [stedid] => 735 [arrid] => 14928 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-02-28 15:10:31 [dato] => 2024-08-14 [datoslutt] => 2024-08-14 [datostart] => 2024-08-14 ...

(8) title of created page: Lønningsbingo
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Lønningsbingo [sted] => Resepsjonen [stedid] => 735 [arrid] => 14928 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-02-28 15:10:31 [dato] => 2024-08-14 [datoslutt] => 2024-08-14 [datostart] => 2024-08-14...

(8) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Lønningsbingo [sted] => Resepsjonen [stedid] => 735 [arrid] => 14928 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-02-28 15:10:31 [dato] => 2024-08-14 [datoslutt] => 2024-08-14 [datostart] => 2024-08-1...

(8) slug: Lønningsbingo
(8) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Lønningsbingo [sted] => Resepsjonen [stedid] => 735 [arrid] => 14928 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-02-28 1...

(8) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"L\u00f8nningsbingo","sted":"Resepsjonen","stedid":"735","arrid":"14928","eventlastchanged":"2024-02-28 15:10:31","dato":"2024-08-14","datoslutt":"2024-08-14","datostart":"2024-08-14","datoshowto":"2024-08-14","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14928","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"","aapner":"00:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014928\/L%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014928\/thmbL%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014928\/smallL%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014928\/mediumL%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014928\/largeL%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p>Det skjer igjen!<br \/> Ukonvensjonell Bingo p\u00e5 Resepsjonen!<br \/> Ingen p\u00e5melding. 15kr pr bingobrett. <br \/> Vi lover kjekke premier til vinnere.<br \/> Bingoen blir lest p\u00e5 b\u00e5de norsk og engelsk.<br \/> PS! Ingen bordreservasjoner, bare kom <\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"28","typenavn":"Program\/annet","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (8) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;L\u00f8nningsbingo&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Resepsjonen&quot;,&quot;stedid&quot;:&quo...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(8) featured image URL:
(8) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(8) No url_default for featured image defined
(8) no featured image defined
(8) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (8) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (8) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (8) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (8) creating of new post ok, id=9522
DEBUG: (8) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(8) show created page 9522:
(8) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(9) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (9) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15297 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:52:18 [dato] => 20...

(9) title of created page: Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15297 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:52:18 [dato] => ...

(9) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15297 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:52:18 [dato] =>...

(9) slug: Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia
(9) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid]...

(9) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia","sted":"\u00f8lhallene","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"432","arrid":"15297","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-18 11:52:18","dato":"2024-08-18","datoslutt":"2024-08-18","datostart":"2024-08-16","datoshowto":"2024-08-18","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15297","starttid":"14:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"18:00","starter":"14:00:00","slutt":"18:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015297\/Flyvefisk%20Tou.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015297\/thmbFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015297\/smallFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015297\/mediumFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015297\/largeFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Pia Noreger er en kunstner opprinnelig fra Stavanger, n\u00e5 bosatt i Haugesund, hvis karriere har v\u00e6rt drevet av en urokkelig lidenskap for skapende arbeid. Hun er en av de ledende skikkelsene bak den velkjente Fargegaten i Stavanger, og som grunnlegger av den popul\u00e6re bokkafeen &quot;B\u00f8ker &amp; B\u00f8rst&quot; har hun satt sitt preg p\u00e5 byens kulturelle landskap. I Haugesund har hun etablert den levende kulturscenen &quot;Bedehusets Bar &amp; Bazaar&quot;, et sted som er kjent for \u00e5 v\u00e6re vertskap for en rekke kulturelle arrangementer innen musikk, teater, film og litteratur. I tillegg til sitt arbeid som scenograf og rekvisittmaker for Haugesund Teater, har Noreger ogs\u00e5 markert seg gjennom flere oppdrag med offentlig utsmykning. Hennes debut som kunstner fant sted gjennom en vellykket utstilling p\u00e5 Haugaland Kunstverk i september 2020.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p2\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Med et \u00f8nske om \u00e5 tilf\u00f8re \u00f8yeblikk av glede og inspirasjon i en ellers gr\u00e5 hverdag, finner Noreger sin kreative drivkraft i dyreriket. Enten det er formen p\u00e5 et tukan-nebb, fj\u00e6rpryden til en kakadue, eller de fargerike utsmykningene til indiske elefanter under festivaler, lar hun seg inspirere av naturens mangfold. Gjennom sine levende og fargerike skulpturer s\u00f8ker hun \u00e5 hylle og gjenopplive disse dyrene ved \u00e5 bruke en mosaikkstil med glassk\u00e5r, knust speil, perler og ulike gjenbruksmaterialer.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Utstillings\u00e5pning:<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">09 august - kl. 18:00-21:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">\u00c5pningstider Utstilling:<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">10-11 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">16-18 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">23-25 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Det kan avtales private omvisninger utenom de oppsatte \u00e5pningstidene.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Ta kontakt med Pia Noreger p\u00e5 tlf: 959 26 929<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"6","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Utstilling\/Billedkunst","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (9) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;\u00f8lhallene&quot;,&quot;longitud...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(9) featured image URL:
(9) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(9) No url_default for featured image defined
(9) no featured image defined
(9) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (9) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (9) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (9) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (9) creating of new post ok, id=9523
DEBUG: (9) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(9) show created page 9523:
(9) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(10) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (10) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Tore Pang [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14910 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-04-18 12:04:53 [dato] => 2024-08-23 [datoslutt] =...

(10) title of created page: Tore Pang
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Tore Pang [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14910 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-04-18 12:04:53 [dato] => 2024-08-23 [datoslutt]...

(10) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Tore Pang [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14910 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-04-18 12:04:53 [dato] => 2024-08-23 [datoslutt...

(10) slug: Tore Pang
(10) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Tore Pang [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] =&g...

(10) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Tore Pang","sted":"Maskinhallen","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"511","arrid":"14910","eventlastchanged":"2024-04-18 12:04:53","dato":"2024-08-23","datoslutt":"2024-08-23","datostart":"2024-08-23","datoshowto":"2024-08-23","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14910","starttid":"21:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"23:00","aapner":"20:00:00","stenger":"23:00:00","starter":"21:00:00","slutt":"23:00:00","priser":"225.00 + avgift 25.00\/325.00 + avgift 25.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014910\/Bilde.jpeg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014910\/thmbBilde.jpeg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014910\/smallBilde.jpeg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014910\/mediumBilde.jpeg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014910\/largeBilde.jpeg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":"<p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">23. august slipper Tore Pang endelig sitt debutalbum! <\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">Det feirer vi med konsert i Maskinhallen p\u00e5 Tou.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"> <\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">Som en av byens mest anerkjente rappere og vokalist i Kriminell Kunst har Tore gitt ut l\u00e5ter i flere \u00e5r, men gir n\u00e5 ut sitt f\u00f8rste album som soloartist. Greit p\u00e5 overtid.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"> <\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">F\u00f8rste single fra albumet slippes 31. mai og er et samarbeid med Hans Markus Riisdal fra T\u00d8FL og Jenzki fra Kriminell Kunst.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"> <\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">Tore spiller l\u00e5ter fra albumet og fra sin katalog av musikk fra Kriminell Kunst, SAXXEMARK og solokarriere.<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11201","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"250.00","availablepriceamount":"225.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"225.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11200","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"250.00","availablepriceamount":"225.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"225.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11199","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"350.00","availablepriceamount":"325.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"325.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11198","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"350.00","availablepriceamount":"325.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"325.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (10) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Tore Pang&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot;5....

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(10) featured image URL:
(10) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(10) No url_default for featured image defined
(10) no featured image defined
(10) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (10) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (10) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (10) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (10) creating of new post ok, id=9524
DEBUG: (10) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(10) show created page 9524:
(10) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(11) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (11) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Maskindans #13 [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14907 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:21:17 [dato] => 2024-08-24 [datoslu...

(11) title of created page: Maskindans #13
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Maskindans #13 [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14907 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:21:17 [dato] => 2024-08-24 [datos...

(11) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Maskindans #13 [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14907 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:21:17 [dato] => 2024-08-24 [dato...

(11) slug: Maskindans #13
(11) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Maskindans #13 [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid...

(11) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Maskindans #13","sted":"Maskinhallen","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"511","arrid":"14907","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-19 11:21:17","dato":"2024-08-24","datoslutt":"2024-08-24","datostart":"2024-08-24","datoshowto":"2024-08-24","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14907","starttid":"22:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"03:00","aapner":"22:00:00","stenger":"03:30:00","starter":"22:00:00","slutt":"03:00:00","priser":"100.00 + avgift 20.00\/180.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014907\/Maskindans_13_webres.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014907\/thmbMaskindans_13_webres.png.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014907\/smallMaskindans_13_webres.png.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014907\/mediumMaskindans_13_webres.png.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014907\/largeMaskindans_13_webres.png.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":" \r\n <p style=\"caret-color: #000000;\"><strong>Maskindans #13<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"caret-color: #000000;\">Vi gleder oss til en ny kveld med Maskindans, presentert av Tou og Perkapella! Den 13. utgaven blir ekstra spesiell. Med oss har vi de lokale stjerneskuddene Meera og Lunu som starter kvelden b2b f\u00f8r selveste John Talabot tar over spakene. Denne vil du ikke g\u00e5 glipp av. Vi sees p\u00e5 dansegulvet!<\/p> \r\n 22:00 Meera b2b Lunu - <a href=\"https:\/\/\/artist\/5dlUBPnFrAnjqC9hvEpEYi?si=xc4PSRnXT4WbceifO67WpQ\">h\u00f8r musikken<\/a> \r\n 01:00 John Talabot - <a href=\"https:\/\/\/artist\/1YvN5uOGQkHVUUlZUcnotD?si=9_HRLLKaQ-eYxebBrMomTA\">h\u00f8r musikken<\/a>\r\n <br \/>\r\n <br \/> \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11196","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"120.00","availablepriceamount":"100.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"100.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11197","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"120.00","availablepriceamount":"100.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"100.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11194","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"200.00","availablepriceamount":"180.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"180.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11195","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"200.00","availablepriceamount":"180.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"180.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (11) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Maskindans #13&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&qu...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(11) featured image URL:
(11) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(11) No url_default for featured image defined
(11) no featured image defined
(11) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (11) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (11) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (11) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (11) creating of new post ok, id=9525
DEBUG: (11) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(11) show created page 9525:
(11) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(12) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (12) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15298 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:52:57 [dato] => 2...

(12) title of created page: Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15298 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:52:57 [dato] =>...

(12) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 432 [arrid] => 15298 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:52:57 [dato] =>...

(12) slug: Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia
(12) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia [sted] => ølhallene [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid...

(12) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia","sted":"\u00f8lhallene","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"432","arrid":"15298","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-18 11:52:57","dato":"2024-08-25","datoslutt":"2024-08-25","datostart":"2024-08-23","datoshowto":"2024-08-25","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15298","starttid":"14:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"18:00","starter":"14:00:00","slutt":"18:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015298\/Flyvefisk%20Tou.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015298\/thmbFlyvefisk%20Tou.jpg.png","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Pia Noreger er en kunstner opprinnelig fra Stavanger, n\u00e5 bosatt i Haugesund, hvis karriere har v\u00e6rt drevet av en urokkelig lidenskap for skapende arbeid. Hun er en av de ledende skikkelsene bak den velkjente Fargegaten i Stavanger, og som grunnlegger av den popul\u00e6re bokkafeen &quot;B\u00f8ker &amp; B\u00f8rst&quot; har hun satt sitt preg p\u00e5 byens kulturelle landskap. I Haugesund har hun etablert den levende kulturscenen &quot;Bedehusets Bar &amp; Bazaar&quot;, et sted som er kjent for \u00e5 v\u00e6re vertskap for en rekke kulturelle arrangementer innen musikk, teater, film og litteratur. I tillegg til sitt arbeid som scenograf og rekvisittmaker for Haugesund Teater, har Noreger ogs\u00e5 markert seg gjennom flere oppdrag med offentlig utsmykning. Hennes debut som kunstner fant sted gjennom en vellykket utstilling p\u00e5 Haugaland Kunstverk i september 2020.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p2\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Med et \u00f8nske om \u00e5 tilf\u00f8re \u00f8yeblikk av glede og inspirasjon i en ellers gr\u00e5 hverdag, finner Noreger sin kreative drivkraft i dyreriket. Enten det er formen p\u00e5 et tukan-nebb, fj\u00e6rpryden til en kakadue, eller de fargerike utsmykningene til indiske elefanter under festivaler, lar hun seg inspirere av naturens mangfold. Gjennom sine levende og fargerike skulpturer s\u00f8ker hun \u00e5 hylle og gjenopplive disse dyrene ved \u00e5 bruke en mosaikkstil med glassk\u00e5r, knust speil, perler og ulike gjenbruksmaterialer.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Utstillings\u00e5pning:<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">09 august - kl. 18:00-21:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">\u00c5pningstider Utstilling:<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">10-11 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">16-18 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">23-25 august - kl. 14:00-18:00<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Det kan avtales private omvisninger utenom de oppsatte \u00e5pningstidene.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px;\">Ta kontakt med Pia Noreger p\u00e5 tlf: 959 26 929<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"6","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Utstilling\/Billedkunst","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (12) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Utstilling: Pia Noreger - Utopia&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;\u00f8lhallene&quot;,&quot;longitu...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(12) featured image URL:
(12) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(12) No url_default for featured image defined
(12) no featured image defined
(12) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (12) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (12) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (12) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (12) creating of new post ok, id=9526
DEBUG: (12) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(12) show created page 9526:
(12) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(13) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (13) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15207 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:08 [dato] => 2024-08-27 [datoslutt...

(13) title of created page: Electronica meetup
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15207 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:08 [dato] => 2024-08-27 [datoslu...

(13) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15207 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:08 [dato] => 2024-08-27 [datosl...

(13) slug: Electronica meetup
(13) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] ...

(13) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Electronica meetup","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15207","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-12 13:20:08","dato":"2024-08-27","datoslutt":"2024-08-27","datostart":"2024-08-27","datoshowto":"2024-08-27","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15207","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"22:00","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"22:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015207\/electronica_utendato.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015207\/thmbelectronica_utendato.png.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015207\/smallelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015207\/mediumelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015207\/largeelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilder":[{"bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015207\/Elektronika%20meetup_notext.JPG","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015207\/thmbElektronika%20meetup_notext.JPG.png"}],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Electronica Meetup er et inkluderende m\u00f8tested for interesserte i elektronisk musikk. Her m\u00f8ter du andre som er interessert i elektronisk musikk og man trenger ikke kunnskap om elektronisk musikk for \u00e5 v\u00e6re publikummer. Kom for \u00e5 oppleve og l\u00e6re noe nytt!<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Dersom du vil spille en l\u00e5t, improvisere, vise din live-rig, eller presentere noe p\u00e5 Electronica Meetup melder du deg p\u00e5 her: <a href=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"http:\/\/\" data-outlook-id=\"1cb7c538-49f2-4d5e-ac0e-a439a94e97e2\" style=\"color: #0086f0;\"><\/a><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Alle sjangre er velkomne: nytt, gammelt, eksperimentelt, dansbart, improvisert, eller arrangert.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Dersom du ikke \u00f8nsker \u00e5 v\u00e6re en del av programmet og bare vil v\u00e6re i publikum trenger du ikke \u00e5 melde deg p\u00e5. Arrangementet er gratis og \u00e5pent for alle.<\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Web: <a href=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"http:\/\/\" data-outlook-id=\"522d427f-cd22-4e2b-9c67-722ce33034eb\" style=\"color: #0086f0;\"><\/a><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><strong>DATOER H\u00d8STEN 2024:<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">27.august<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">01.oktober<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">29.oktober<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">26.november<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (13) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Electronica meetup&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(13) featured image URL:
(13) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(13) No url_default for featured image defined
(13) no featured image defined
(13) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (13) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (13) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (13) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (13) creating of new post ok, id=9527
DEBUG: (13) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(13) show created page 9527:
(13) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(14) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (14) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Mobbing i skolen - Ungdom på Skeivå [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15308 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:58:06 [dato] =&...

(14) title of created page: Mobbing i skolen - Ungdom på Skeivå
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Mobbing i skolen - Ungdom på Skeivå [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15308 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:58:06 [dato] ...

(14) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Mobbing i skolen - Ungdom på Skeivå [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15308 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:58:06 [dato]...

(14) slug: Mobbing i skolen - Ungdom på Skeivå
(14) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Mobbing i skolen - Ungdom på Skeivå [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [s...

(14) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Mobbing i skolen - Ungdom p\u00e5 Skeiv\u00e5","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15308","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-24 09:58:06","dato":"2024-09-02","datoslutt":"2024-09-02","datostart":"2024-09-02","datoshowto":"2024-09-02","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15308","starttid":"","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015308\/mobbing.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015308\/thmbmobbing.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015308\/smallmobbing.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015308\/mediummobbing.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015308\/largemobbing.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"FRI Rogaland","arrangoerid":"262","age":"0","tekst":"Skeiv ungdom inviterer til panel om mobbing av skeive i skolen. \r\n <br \/> \r\n Panel:&nbsp;<br class=\"html-br\" style=\"caret-color: #050505; color: #050505;\" \/>Levi Jung - Lokallagsleder Skeiv Ungdom Hordaland<br class=\"html-br\" style=\"caret-color: #050505; color: #050505;\" \/>Mikah Florian Damen - Lokallagsleder Skeiv Ungdom Rogaland <br class=\"html-br\" style=\"caret-color: #050505; color: #050505;\" \/>P\u00e5l Louis Kaupang Rasmussen - Ordstyrer, l\u00e6rer ved V\u00e5gen VGS<br class=\"html-br\" style=\"caret-color: #050505; color: #050505;\" \/>Mette Vab\u00f8 - Leder I Stavanger Venstre og leder I Utvalg for oppvekst og utdanning i Stavanger Kommune.&nbsp;","teaser":"","typeid":"2","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","field19":"gratis","fields":"19","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"M\u00f8te","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (14) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Mobbing i skolen - Ungdom p\u00e5 Skeiv\u00e5&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;lo...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(14) featured image URL:
(14) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(14) No url_default for featured image defined
(14) no featured image defined
(14) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (14) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (14) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (14) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:29
DEBUG: (14) creating of new post ok, id=9528
DEBUG: (14) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(14) show created page 9528:
(14) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(15) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (15) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Tre Fedre [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15309 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:48:32 [dato] => 2024-09-02 [datoslutt] => 2...

(15) title of created page: Tre Fedre
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Tre Fedre [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15309 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:48:32 [dato] => 2024-09-02 [datoslutt] =>...

(15) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Tre Fedre [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15309 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:48:32 [dato] => 2024-09-02 [datoslutt] =>...

(15) slug: Tre Fedre
(15) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Tre Fedre [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 153...

(15) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Tre Fedre","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15309","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-24 09:48:32","dato":"2024-09-02","datoslutt":"2024-09-02","datostart":"2024-09-02","datoshowto":"2024-09-02","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15309","starttid":"","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015309\/tre%20fedre.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015309\/thmbtre%20fedre.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015309\/smalltre%20fedre.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015309\/mediumtre%20fedre.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015309\/largetre%20fedre.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"FRI Rogaland","arrangoerid":"262","age":"0","tekst":" - Gravid mann det g\u00e5r an \r\n M\u00f8t en litt annerledes familie best\u00e5ende av de tre mennene Kristopher, Sindre og David. Sammen har de et barn, som Kristopher har b\u00e5ret frem. Og 2 september kommer dem til Skeiv\u00e5 for \u00e5 fortelle om prosessen. \r\n Hvordan er det \u00e5 m\u00f8te helsevesenet som en gravid mann? Er helsevesenet i det hele tatt forberedt p\u00e5 at ikke alle f\u00f8dende er kvinner? Og hvordan er det n\u00e5r helsevesenet alltid forventer to foreldre, men s\u00e5 er man tre? \r\n Kristopher er barnehagel\u00e6rer og har en master i barnehagepedagogikk. Kommer fra Hedmark. \r\n Sindre er for Nordhordaland og jobber som r\u00e5dgiver i en stor hotellkjede. \r\n David, opprinnelig fra Barcelona, er f\u00f8rsteamanuensis i matematikk og statistikk ved UiO. \r\n F\u00f8lg familien p\u00e5 Instagram: <a attributionsrc=\"\/privacy_sandbox\/comet\/register\/source\/?xt=AZW5_ttPO9WAOI8Ye_H11IqAuCnJO8XX4zsDxgu2PFWFfiVImQXLODayvPPR7CpNqKyDuEYHteNLxtYVKv3Y_DLWSnfUhw8p3zEMUywQWxcAnMVo3LZRUL-_eY4AeMqQSrhO0fIfkdq5-kS7WqR6b3mQxvhYVtmhlWFt6LXkzKD-0LBj7qwUpoGktE8HaYqdcKJFshv9nJV5WbezRKSsLZ2M9eBXfMyPaBUgyEZxUBWq07O7vZaz-XSZDJh7zEPzJm5cZpHU8hjrDbemIOwiiQsG-HtpgW6Mw660O-KNVGdVh29pYiJowKy32UqhtYEFwDhugwsH2RIiDTlqHzgboSY-_jFpMKMsn1J6HfpvGp2hMGSmM5MMdr4fXJFEtgn8_eH6EklpQNudyzaOLWvohZ8GK9KZEXNJIAoSUwEQ9-BwWiWRls4fxLowEfdOxrN_RTMjFxxYkoJjQP4VdGr-6rOeZTz691fn1PCAX0kZcYdFzPf3AOuo5jyBpYc_8M93Py9O8ZrJRxC7JSw_uGiagPbyI_U4ae2mfGIyIBbS8Ga3_lJG7tzY0yMCLuSmS8ZE3LYY-cUOi0l55OICdXgn0CBwHcMerf9USxLXO1i-cKNpptVffgPVt8HwgGiM4jn-nqjbjpnG0OHqT3wkUvA8tZMI6PA-2nvKZK0aL-PHevacWm9H3ovUVgIks4tvE1GDb6RLCcI2vCVwuHHIS4bbMNGPxH3IKveVSzHV5J2QqR66FUOW2sk2FijNlqx0zrSCQ_0aCodUhTvVRUwGNKZn0_RWPGk9ZNiUDcLNrXJMLeRbaU_k42FW6xM_PvBkT8mqY1VML3YkCBgqXc-2LiLxa0Gs\" class=\"x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x1ejq31n xd10rxx x1sy0etr x17r0tee x972fbf xcfux6l x1qhh985 xm0m39n x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz x1sur9pj xkrqix3 x1fey0fg\" href=\"https:\/\/\/regnbuef3dre\/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2ZVeNCPzjkaz6PbIcbSsmGRxnC9fUIQomloDEstfQ_IYYM50fHR11c180_aem_sSmTjEi8YtjsRQg8Jonp2A\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" role=\"link\" tabindex=\"0\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"cursor: pointer; list-style: none; margin: 0px; text-align: inherit; border-style: none; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; outline: currentcolor; touch-action: manipulation; display: inline;\">https:\/\/\/regnbuef3dre\/<\/a> \r\n ______________________________ \r\n <br class=\"html-br\" \/> \r\n Meet an unconventional family consisting of the three men Kristopher, Sindre, and David. Together, they have a child, which Kristopher carried. On September 2nd, they will come to Skeiv\u00e5 to share their journey. \r\n What is it like to navigate the healthcare system as a pregnant man? Is the healthcare system even prepared for the fact that not all birthing individuals are women? And how does it work when the healthcare system always expects two parents, but there are three of you? \r\n Kristopher is a kindergarten teacher with a master's degree in early childhood education. He is from Hedmark. \r\n Sindre is from Nordhordaland and works as an advisor in a large hotel chain. \r\n David, originally from Barcelona, is an associate professor of mathematics and statistics at UiO. \r\n Follow the family on Instagram: <a attributionsrc=\"\/privacy_sandbox\/comet\/register\/source\/?xt=AZW5_ttPO9WAOI8Ye_H11IqAuCnJO8XX4zsDxgu2PFWFfiVImQXLODayvPPR7CpNqKyDuEYHteNLxtYVKv3Y_DLWSnfUhw8p3zEMUywQWxcAnMVo3LZRUL-_eY4AeMqQSrhO0fIfkdq5-kS7WqR6b3mQxvhYVtmhlWFt6LXkzKD-0LBj7qwUpoGktE8HaYqdcKJFshv9nJV5WbezRKSsLZ2M9eBXfMyPaBUgyEZxUBWq07O7vZaz-XSZDJh7zEPzJm5cZpHU8hjrDbemIOwiiQsG-HtpgW6Mw660O-KNVGdVh29pYiJowKy32UqhtYEFwDhugwsH2RIiDTlqHzgboSY-_jFpMKMsn1J6HfpvGp2hMGSmM5MMdr4fXJFEtgn8_eH6EklpQNudyzaOLWvohZ8GK9KZEXNJIAoSUwEQ9-BwWiWRls4fxLowEfdOxrN_RTMjFxxYkoJjQP4VdGr-6rOeZTz691fn1PCAX0kZcYdFzPf3AOuo5jyBpYc_8M93Py9O8ZrJRxC7JSw_uGiagPbyI_U4ae2mfGIyIBbS8Ga3_lJG7tzY0yMCLuSmS8ZE3LYY-cUOi0l55OICdXgn0CBwHcMerf9USxLXO1i-cKNpptVffgPVt8HwgGiM4jn-nqjbjpnG0OHqT3wkUvA8tZMI6PA-2nvKZK0aL-PHevacWm9H3ovUVgIks4tvE1GDb6RLCcI2vCVwuHHIS4bbMNGPxH3IKveVSzHV5J2QqR66FUOW2sk2FijNlqx0zrSCQ_0aCodUhTvVRUwGNKZn0_RWPGk9ZNiUDcLNrXJMLeRbaU_k42FW6xM_PvBkT8mqY1VML3YkCBgqXc-2LiLxa0Gs\" class=\"x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x1ejq31n xd10rxx x1sy0etr x17r0tee x972fbf xcfux6l x1qhh985 xm0m39n x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz x1sur9pj xkrqix3 x1fey0fg\" href=\"https:\/\/\/regnbuef3dre\/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0cGo4Iu1zLCoRfN1Rb5XJW_84jdgWbM_MMJgjCtfC1nznHhzuV9vLUYv0_aem_eR7Hl-rdJUuRPmekAvOrWQ\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" role=\"link\" tabindex=\"0\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"cursor: pointer; list-style: none; margin: 0px; text-align: inherit; border-style: none; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; border-width: 0px; outline: currentcolor; touch-action: manipulation; display: inline;\">https:\/\/\/regnbuef3dre\/<\/a> ","teaser":"","typeid":"2","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","field19":"gratis","fields":"19","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"M\u00f8te","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (15) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Tre Fedre&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot;5.75797&...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(15) featured image URL:
(15) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(15) No url_default for featured image defined
(15) no featured image defined
(15) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (15) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (15) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (15) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (15) creating of new post ok, id=9529
DEBUG: (15) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(15) show created page 9529:
(15) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(16) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (16) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15284 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 14:32:17 [dato] => 2024-09-04 ...

(16) title of created page: Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15284 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 14:32:17 [dato] => 2024-09-04 ...

(16) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15284 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 14:32:17 [dato] => 2024-09-04...

(16) slug: Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi
(16) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 ...

(16) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi","sted":"Scene 1","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"482","arrid":"15284","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-24 14:32:17","dato":"2024-09-04","datoslutt":"2024-09-04","datostart":"2024-09-04","datoshowto":"2024-09-04","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15284","starttid":"20:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"22:00","stenger":"00:00:00","starter":"20:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","priser":"200.00 + avgift 20.00\/300.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015284\/1%20Naughty%20Cabaret%20by%20Rebecca%20Need-Menear.jpeg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015284\/thmb1%20Naughty%20Cabaret%20by%20Rebecca%20Need-Menear.jpeg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015284\/small1%20Naughty%20Cabaret%20by%20Rebecca%20Need-Menear.jpeg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015284\/medium1%20Naughty%20Cabaret%20by%20Rebecca%20Need-Menear.jpeg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015284\/large1%20Naughty%20Cabaret%20by%20Rebecca%20Need-Menear.jpeg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":" \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">En queer cabaret som utfordrer patriarkatet med spektakul\u00e6re gjesteinnslag.<br \/><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Etter utsolgte forestillinger i London, Oslo, Edinburgh og Australia kommer Naughty Cabaret endelig til Stavanger! Forvent klovn, luftakrobatikk, hula hoop, burlesk og galskap.<br \/><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Naughty Cabaret er en \u00abenergibombe\u00bb ( hostet av Naughty, en seks\u00e5ring i crocs og den ubrukelige assistenten hennes, Nice. Naughty og Nice st\u00e5r ikke alene p\u00e5 scenen, med seg har de med fem sirkusartister fra Islands eneste sirkus: Sirkus Island. Kabareten til Sirkus Island heter Skinnsemi og sirkusartistene tar med seg de beste aktene fra Skinnsemi til Stavanger og Tou Scene.<br \/><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Hostene, Naughty og Nice, er spilt av &quot;queens of the ridiculous&quot; (&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733; The Wee Review), Anna Marie Simonsen og Marie Kallevik Straume. Duoens tidligere prosjekter (Troll) har blitt beskrevet som &quot;irresistibly silly&quot; ( &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733; The Guardian). <br \/><\/p> \r\n <br \/>Anna Marie Simonsen og Marie Kallevik Straume er skaperne av Naughty Cabaret. \r\n \r\n \r\n <br \/> \r\n \r\n Marie Kallevik Straume (1992) er skuespiller fra Stavanger. Hun er utdannet ved \u00c9cole Jacques Lecoq og LAMDA. Etter \u00e5 ha unng\u00e5tt klovn i mange \u00e5r, har hun likevel endt opp med \u00e5 bli en. \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px 0px 74.6667px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Anna Marie Simonsen (1996) er en scenekunstner og klovn fra Oslo som jobber mellom Norge og Storbritannia. Hun er SOHO Theatre alumni og utdannet ved Goldsmiths University<br \/><br \/> Medvirkende p\u00e5 scenen: Marie Kallevik Straume, Anna Marie Simonsen, Alda Brynja Birgisdottir, Eyru&#769;n \u00c6varsdo&#769;ttir, Harpa Lind Ingado&#769;ttir, Ragnhei\u00f0ur Mai&#769;so&#769;l Sturludo&#769;ttir og Margre&#769;t Erla Maack<br class=\"SCXW189139255 BCX2\" \/>Regikonsulent (p\u00e5 Straume og Simonsen): Cecily Nash <br class=\"SCXW189139255 BCX2\" \/>Teknisk design: Alex McNally <br \/><br class=\"SCXW189139255 BCX2\" \/>St\u00f8ttet av: Kulturr\u00e5det, FFUK, Tou, Sirkus Island <br \/><\/p> \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"17","tellustypeid":"EVEN_1006","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11629","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"320.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11630","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"320.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11631","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Student","availableprice":"220.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11632","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Student","availableprice":"220.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Dans\/teater","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (16) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Scene 1&quot;,&quot;longitude&quo...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(16) featured image URL:
(16) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(16) No url_default for featured image defined
(16) no featured image defined
(16) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (16) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (16) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (16) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (16) creating of new post ok, id=9530
DEBUG: (16) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(16) show created page 9530:
(16) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(17) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (17) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15285 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 14:32:17 [dato] => 2024-09-05 ...

(17) title of created page: Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15285 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 14:32:17 [dato] => 2024-09-05 ...

(17) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15285 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 14:32:17 [dato] => 2024-09-05...

(17) slug: Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi
(17) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 ...

(17) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi","sted":"Scene 1","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"482","arrid":"15285","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-24 14:32:17","dato":"2024-09-05","datoslutt":"2024-09-05","datostart":"2024-09-05","datoshowto":"2024-09-05","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15285","starttid":"20:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"22:00","stenger":"00:00:00","starter":"20:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","priser":"200.00 + avgift 20.00\/300.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015285\/1%20Naughty%20Cabaret%20by%20Rebecca%20Need-Menear.jpeg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015285\/thmb1%20Naughty%20Cabaret%20by%20Rebecca%20Need-Menear.jpeg.png","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":" \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">En queer cabaret som utfordrer patriarkatet med spektakul\u00e6re gjesteinnslag.<br \/><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Etter utsolgte forestillinger i London, Oslo, Edinburgh og Australia kommer Naughty Cabaret endelig til Stavanger! Forvent klovn, luftakrobatikk, hula hoop, burlesk og galskap.<br \/><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Naughty Cabaret er en \u00abenergibombe\u00bb ( hostet av Naughty, en seks\u00e5ring i crocs og den ubrukelige assistenten hennes, Nice. Naughty og Nice st\u00e5r ikke alene p\u00e5 scenen, med seg har de med fem sirkusartister fra Islands eneste sirkus: Sirkus Island. Kabareten til Sirkus Island heter Skinnsemi og sirkusartistene tar med seg de beste aktene fra Skinnsemi til Stavanger og Tou Scene.<br \/><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Hostene, Naughty og Nice, er spilt av &quot;queens of the ridiculous&quot; (&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733; The Wee Review), Anna Marie Simonsen og Marie Kallevik Straume. Duoens tidligere prosjekter (Troll) har blitt beskrevet som &quot;irresistibly silly&quot; ( &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733; The Guardian). <br \/><\/p> \r\n <br \/>Anna Marie Simonsen og Marie Kallevik Straume er skaperne av Naughty Cabaret. \r\n \r\n \r\n <br \/> \r\n \r\n Marie Kallevik Straume (1992) er skuespiller fra Stavanger. Hun er utdannet ved \u00c9cole Jacques Lecoq og LAMDA. Etter \u00e5 ha unng\u00e5tt klovn i mange \u00e5r, har hun likevel endt opp med \u00e5 bli en. \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW189139255 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px 0px 74.6667px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Anna Marie Simonsen (1996) er en scenekunstner og klovn fra Oslo som jobber mellom Norge og Storbritannia. Hun er SOHO Theatre alumni og utdannet ved Goldsmiths University<br \/><br \/> Medvirkende p\u00e5 scenen: Marie Kallevik Straume, Anna Marie Simonsen, Alda Brynja Birgisdottir, Eyru&#769;n \u00c6varsdo&#769;ttir, Harpa Lind Ingado&#769;ttir, Ragnhei\u00f0ur Mai&#769;so&#769;l Sturludo&#769;ttir og Margre&#769;t Erla Maack<br class=\"SCXW189139255 BCX2\" \/>Regikonsulent (p\u00e5 Straume og Simonsen): Cecily Nash <br class=\"SCXW189139255 BCX2\" \/>Teknisk design: Alex McNally <br \/><br class=\"SCXW189139255 BCX2\" \/>St\u00f8ttet av: Kulturr\u00e5det, FFUK, Tou, Sirkus Island <br \/><\/p> \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"17","tellustypeid":"EVEN_1006","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11633","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"320.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11634","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"320.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11635","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Student","availableprice":"220.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11636","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Student","availableprice":"220.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Dans\/teater","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (17) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Naughty Cabaret med Skinnsemi&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Scene 1&quot;,&quot;longitude&quo...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(17) featured image URL:
(17) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(17) No url_default for featured image defined
(17) no featured image defined
(17) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (17) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (17) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (17) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (17) creating of new post ok, id=9531
DEBUG: (17) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(17) show created page 9531:
(17) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(18) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (18) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Burlesque [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 15310 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:52:14 [dato] => 2024-09-06 [datoslutt] =...

(18) title of created page: Burlesque
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Burlesque [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 15310 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:52:14 [dato] => 2024-09-06 [datoslutt]...

(18) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Burlesque [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 15310 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:52:14 [dato] => 2024-09-06 [datoslutt...

(18) slug: Burlesque
(18) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Burlesque [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] =&g...

(18) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Burlesque","sted":"Maskinhallen","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"511","arrid":"15310","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-24 09:52:14","dato":"2024-09-06","datoslutt":"2024-09-06","datostart":"2024-09-06","datoshowto":"2024-09-06","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15310","starttid":"22:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"","aapner":"06:00:00","starter":"22:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015310\/burlesque.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015310\/thmbburlesque.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015310\/smallburlesque.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015310\/mediumburlesque.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015310\/largeburlesque.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"FRI Rogaland","arrangoerid":"262","age":"0","tekst":"<p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 1.25rem; padding: 0px;\">Lad opp til parade-dag med et forrykende show i Maskinhallen p\u00e5 Tou Scene - fredag 6 september klokken 22.00.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 1.25rem; padding: 0px;\">Fifi Von Tassel er konferansier!<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"28","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","field21":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/20\/956\/10973","fields":"21","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Program\/annet","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (18) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Burlesque&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot;5....

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(18) featured image URL:
(18) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(18) No url_default for featured image defined
(18) no featured image defined
(18) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (18) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (18) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (18) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (18) creating of new post ok, id=9532
DEBUG: (18) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(18) show created page 9532:
(18) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(19) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (19) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Skeiva Nattå [sted] => Maskinhallen, Scene 1 og Loft [stedid] => 669 [arrid] => 15311 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:57:12 [dato] => 2024-09-07 [datoslutt] => 2024-09-07 [datostart] =...

(19) title of created page: Skeiva Nattå
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Skeiva Nattå [sted] => Maskinhallen, Scene 1 og Loft [stedid] => 669 [arrid] => 15311 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:57:12 [dato] => 2024-09-07 [datoslutt] => 2024-09-07 [datostart]...

(19) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Skeiva Nattå [sted] => Maskinhallen, Scene 1 og Loft [stedid] => 669 [arrid] => 15311 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-24 09:57:12 [dato] => 2024-09-07 [datoslutt] => 2024-09-07 [datostart...

(19) slug: Skeiva Nattå
(19) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Skeiva Nattå [sted] => Maskinhallen, Scene 1 og Loft [stedid] => 669 [arrid] => 15311 [eventlastchanged] =...

(19) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Skeiva Natt\u00e5","sted":"Maskinhallen, Scene 1 og Loft","stedid":"669","arrid":"15311","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-24 09:57:12","dato":"2024-09-07","datoslutt":"2024-09-07","datostart":"2024-09-07","datoshowto":"2024-09-07","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15311","starttid":"22:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"","aapner":"","starter":"22:00:00","bilder":[{"bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015311\/skeiva%20natt%E5.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015311\/thmbskeiva%20natt%E5.jpg.png"}],"arrangoernavn":"FRI Rogaland","arrangoerid":"262","age":"0","tekst":" \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 18px 0px 0px; line-height: 1.5 !important;\"><strong style=\"box-sizing: border-box;\">\u00c5RETS<\/strong> st\u00f8rste fest - Skeiva Natt\u00e5 2024. Etter for\u00e5rets suksess fyller vi igjen Tou Scene til randen med nydelig mennesker, god stemning og dansing til fuglene kvitrer!<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 18px 0px 0px; line-height: 1.5 !important;\">Dette er festen du absolutt ikke vil g\u00e5 glipp av. Det blir hett, svett og fargerikt.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 18px 0px 0px; line-height: 1.5 !important;\">Aldersgrense: 18 \u00e5r<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 18px 0px 0px;\">F\u00f8rste artistene ut:<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 18px 0px 0px;\"><strong style=\"box-sizing: border-box;\">Bente Talentet og Per Person (NOR)<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 18px 0px 0px;\">Spiller p\u00e5 Silent Disco i Maskinhallen!<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 18px 0px 0px;\"><strong style=\"box-sizing: border-box; pointer-events: none !important;\">Bente Talentet<\/strong> har v\u00e6rt dj siden f\u00f8r Alexander Rybak vant Eurovision,<br style=\"box-sizing: border-box; pointer-events: none !important;\" \/> spilt p\u00e5 et utall prider og utesteder i det ganske land, er en del av dj<br style=\"box-sizing: border-box; pointer-events: none !important;\" \/> duoen DRAMAqueen og har fast residens p\u00e5 Elsker i Oslo. Hun spiller alt fra elektronisk indie til hardtsl\u00e5ende hio hop, sexy rnb og deeeilige hits fra de siste 30 \u00e5rene, det viktigste er egentlig at bassen er p\u00e5 plass og\/eller allsangfaktoren tilstede.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; margin: 18px 0px 0px;\"><strong style=\"box-sizing: border-box; pointer-events: none !important;\">Per Person<\/strong> spiller elektronisk dansemusikk med referanser til 80- og 90-tallet. Han toucher innom sjangre som italo, disco, indie og house, og er ikke rett for \u00e5 slenge inn b\u00e5de gamle og nye hits!<\/p> \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"28","field21":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/event\/20\/10974","fields":"21","typenavn":"Program\/annet","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (19) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Skeiva Natt\u00e5&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen, Scene 1 og Loft&quot;,&quot;stedid&...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(19) featured image URL:
(19) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(19) No url_default for featured image defined
(19) no featured image defined
(19) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (19) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (19) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (19) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (19) creating of new post ok, id=9533
DEBUG: (19) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(19) show created page 9533:
(19) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(20) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (20) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Lønningsbingo [sted] => Resepsjonen [stedid] => 735 [arrid] => 14929 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-02-28 15:11:09 [dato] => 2024-09-11 [datoslutt] => 2024-09-11 [datostart] => 2024-09-11 ...

(20) title of created page: Lønningsbingo
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Lønningsbingo [sted] => Resepsjonen [stedid] => 735 [arrid] => 14929 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-02-28 15:11:09 [dato] => 2024-09-11 [datoslutt] => 2024-09-11 [datostart] => 2024-09-1...

(20) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Lønningsbingo [sted] => Resepsjonen [stedid] => 735 [arrid] => 14929 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-02-28 15:11:09 [dato] => 2024-09-11 [datoslutt] => 2024-09-11 [datostart] => 2024-09-...

(20) slug: Lønningsbingo
(20) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Lønningsbingo [sted] => Resepsjonen [stedid] => 735 [arrid] => 14929 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-02-28 ...

(20) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"L\u00f8nningsbingo","sted":"Resepsjonen","stedid":"735","arrid":"14929","eventlastchanged":"2024-02-28 15:11:09","dato":"2024-09-11","datoslutt":"2024-09-11","datostart":"2024-09-11","datoshowto":"2024-09-11","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14929","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"","aapner":"00:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014929\/L%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014929\/thmbL%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014929\/smallL%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014929\/mediumL%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014929\/largeL%D8Nningsbingo-3.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p>Det skjer igjen!<br \/> Ukonvensjonell Bingo p\u00e5 Resepsjonen!<br \/> Ingen p\u00e5melding. 15kr pr bingobrett. <br \/> Vi lover kjekke premier til vinnere.<br \/> Bingoen blir lest p\u00e5 b\u00e5de norsk og engelsk.<br \/> PS! Ingen bordreservasjoner, bare kom <\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"28","typenavn":"Program\/annet","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (20) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;L\u00f8nningsbingo&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Resepsjonen&quot;,&quot;stedid&quot;:&qu...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(20) featured image URL:
(20) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(20) No url_default for featured image defined
(20) no featured image defined
(20) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (20) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (20) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (20) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (20) creating of new post ok, id=9534
DEBUG: (20) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(20) show created page 9534:
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(21) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (21) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Embla & The Karidotters [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 14798 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:30:49 [dato] => 2024-09-13 [...

(21) title of created page: Embla & The Karidotters
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Embla & The Karidotters [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 14798 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:30:49 [dato] => 2024-09-13 ...

(21) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Embla & The Karidotters [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 14798 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:30:49 [dato] => 2024-09-13 ...

(21) slug: Embla & The Karidotters
(21) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Embla & The Karidotters [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 ...

(21) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Embla & The Karidotters","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"14798","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-18 11:30:49","dato":"2024-09-13","datoslutt":"2024-09-13","datostart":"2024-09-13","datoshowto":"2024-09-13","facebookpixelid":"2086809221450830","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14798","starttid":"21:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"22:30","aapner":"20:00:00","stenger":"23:00:00","starter":"21:00:00","slutt":"22:30:00","priser":"225.00 + avgift 20.00\/325.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014798\/Embla%20and%20the%20Karidotters%20pressebilde%200623_photo%20by%20Hakan%20Foss_01_1920.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014798\/thmbEmbla%20and%20the%20Karidotters%20pressebilde%200623_photo%20by%20Hakan%20Foss_01_1920.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014798\/smallEmbla%20and%20the%20Karidotters%20pressebilde%200623_photo%20by%20Hakan%20Foss_01_1920.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014798\/mediumEmbla%20and%20the%20Karidotters%20pressebilde%200623_photo%20by%20Hakan%20Foss_01_1920.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014798\/largeEmbla%20and%20the%20Karidotters%20pressebilde%200623_photo%20by%20Hakan%20Foss_01_1920.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":"<p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\">Dyret er l\u00f8s og b\u00e5ndtvangen er opphevet. Embla and the Karidotters er klare med sitt andre album. Debuten Hello, I'm Embla vant Spellemannprisen i country og tok bandet Norge rundt og videre ut i den store verden. Hvordan f\u00f8lger man opp noe s\u00e5nt?<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\">Med MER naturligvis. Off Leash er rett og slett bedre, t\u00f8ffere og r\u00e5ere. Det stjernespekkede bandet l\u00e5ter sylskarpt og har blitt ordentlig varme i countryskjorta. Andrealbumet slippes 23. august 2024 og videref\u00f8rer bandets r\u00f8ffe honkytonk noir-lydbilde med hint til Ennio Morricone, Nancy Sinatra og David Lynch-filmer. Albumslippet f\u00f8lges opp med en norgesturn\u00e9 i september 2024. Her er det bare \u00e5 kjenne sin bes\u00f8kelsestid!<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\">Embla and the Karidotters er bandprosjektet til Razika-trommis Embla Karidotter. Etter Razika ble lagt p\u00e5 is, samlet Embla sine \u00abKaridotters\u00bb fra omkringliggende band som Razika, Honningbarna, Sl\u00f8tface, Slomosa og Aiming for Enrike. De gikk raskt i gang med \u00e5 b\u00e5de spille konserter og \u00e5 spille inn. EP-en Howling ble sluppet i 2021, og h\u00f8sten 2022 kom debutalbumet Hello, I'm Embla.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\">V\u00e5ren 2023 mottok Hello, I'm Embla Spellemannprisen for beste countryalbum, en perfekt avrunding p\u00e5 et vellykket albumslipp. Festivalsommeren 23 ble travel, med opptreden p\u00e5 verdens st\u00f8rste countryfestival, Stagecoach i California, inkludert norske festivaler som \u00d8ya, Bergenfest, Norsk Countrytreff, og Vinjerock. V\u00e5ren 2024 ble sparket i gang med en travel uke p\u00e5 SXSW i Austin.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;\"><a href=\"https:\/\/\/artist\/1n3qjPEPKXcQjHVwlfcagR?si=DKnCk-aGR4qtDJumzpgy9Q\"><strong>H\u00d8R MUSIKKEN<\/strong><\/a><\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11059","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"245.00","availablepriceamount":"225.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"225.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11060","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"245.00","availablepriceamount":"225.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"225.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11057","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"345.00","availablepriceamount":"325.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"325.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11058","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"345.00","availablepriceamount":"325.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"325.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (21) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Embla &amp; The Karidotters&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&qu...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(21) featured image URL:
(21) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(21) No url_default for featured image defined
(21) no featured image defined
(21) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (21) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (21) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (21) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (21) creating of new post ok, id=9535
DEBUG: (21) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(21) show created page 9535:
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(22) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (22) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Frøkedal og Familien [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15081 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:24:59 [dato] => 2024-09-18 [...

(22) title of created page: Frøkedal og Familien
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Frøkedal og Familien [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15081 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:24:59 [dato] => 2024-09-18 ...

(22) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Frøkedal og Familien [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15081 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:24:59 [dato] => 2024-09-18 ...

(22) slug: Frøkedal og Familien
(22) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Frøkedal og Familien [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 ...

(22) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Fr\u00f8kedal og Familien","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15081","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-19 11:24:59","dato":"2024-09-18","datoslutt":"2024-09-18","datostart":"2024-09-18","datoshowto":"2024-09-18","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15081","starttid":"20:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"21:30","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"22:00:00","starter":"20:00:00","slutt":"21:30:00","priser":"150.00 + avgift 20.00\/225.00 + avgift 20.00\/350.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015081\/STAY%201%20Lo-Res%20credit_Vidar_Landa.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015081\/thmbSTAY%201%20Lo-Res%20credit_Vidar_Landa.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015081\/smallSTAY%201%20Lo-Res%20credit_Vidar_Landa.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015081\/mediumSTAY%201%20Lo-Res%20credit_Vidar_Landa.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015081\/largeSTAY%201%20Lo-Res%20credit_Vidar_Landa.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou og Kapittelfestivalen","arrangoerid":"184","age":"18","tekst":" \r\n \r\n \r\n <p><strong>Tou og Kapittel presenterer Fr\u00f8kedal og Familien!<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p>Fr\u00f8kedal &amp; Familien har gjort seg bemerka med sin s\u00e6rprega folkpop som sta&#778;r ba&#778;de rocken og folkemusikken n\u00e6r.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p>7. juni kjem albumet STAY - ei musikalsk motgift mot reiselyst, rastl\u00f8yse og nagande uro for a&#778; ga&#778; glipp av noko, om ein skal tru bandet sj\u00f8lv.<\/p> \r\n <p>Konserten pa&#778; Loftet p\u00e5 Tou b\u00f8r du ikkje ga&#778; glipp av. Her skal Fr\u00f8kedal &amp; Familien presentere nye og gamle hits i fullfamilie-format. Bandet vil, foruten Fr\u00f8kedal sj\u00f8lv, besta&#778; av Olav Christer Rosseb\u00f8 (feler, mandola), Selma French Bolstad (feler, vokal), Erlend Ringseth (keys) og Elisabeth M\u00f8rland Nesset (trommer, vokal)<\/p> \r\n <p><strong>Om albumet:<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p>Med STAY har Fr\u00f8kedal gravd djupt i heimlege musikalske skattekister, mekka allsong-rock og smelta reine popsongar saumlaust saman med asymmetrisk pols-rytmikk.<\/p> \r\n <p>STAY handlar om dei som blir verande, om a&#778; va&#778;ge a&#778; tru at det som kan gjere oss lykkelege kanskje ikkje er ein annan stad - men nett her, nett no. Det er eit album om kj\u00e6rleik og smerte, r\u00f8ter og fellesskap.<\/p> \r\n <p>\u00abDette er Anne Lise Fr\u00f8kedal pa&#778; sitt mest kompromissl\u00f8se, og pa&#778; sitt beste, mest episke, rufsete og vakreste, hvor hennes egen gitar harver seg med skarpe strenger fra rockhistorien gjenom progrocken, countyen og americanaen og inn i den britiske 90-tallssf\u00e6ren hvor man mer enn aner omrisset av en PJ Harvey pa&#778; sitt mest rocka.\u00bb (Dagsavisens Geir Rakvaag om f\u00f8rste single, Old Mistakes, karakter 6\/6 )<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p>Fr\u00f8kedal &amp; Familien har fa&#778;tt varm omtale i The New Yorker og The Sunday Times, har spelt live pa&#778; BBC Radio6 og mottatt to Spellemann-nominasjonar. Dei har ogsa&#778; fa&#778;tt snuse pa&#778; arenaformatet, som oppvarming for A-ha og Madrugada i Oslo Spektrum. Nyleg turnerte dei i England som special guests for skotske Teenage Fanclub.<\/p>\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p>Fr\u00f8kedal &amp; Familien har ogsa&#778; laga songbok. Der skriv dei innleiingsvis:<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p>\u00abMusikk er ei samlande kraft som, gir oss alle tilgang pa&#778; det utvida spekter av kjensler, minne og visjoner. Derfor legg me her alle korta pa&#778; bordet, slik at den som \u00f8nskjer det kan komme tettare inn pa&#778; desse la&#778;tene - eller til og med spele dei sj\u00f8lv.\u00bb<\/p>\r\n <p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/playlist\/7FDOR4KjBs8ZuufTTkld7Z?si=75e79822b0e24078\"><strong>H\u00d8R MUSIKKEN<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n \r\n \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11360","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"245.00","availablepriceamount":"225.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"225.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11361","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"245.00","availablepriceamount":"225.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"225.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11358","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"370.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"350.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11359","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"370.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"350.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11492","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Med festivalpass til Kapittelfestivalen","availableprice":"170.00","availablepriceamount":"150.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"150.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11493","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Med festivalpass til Kapittelfestivalen","availableprice":"170.00","availablepriceamount":"150.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"150.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (22) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Fr\u00f8kedal og Familien&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&a...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(22) featured image URL:
(22) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(22) No url_default for featured image defined
(22) no featured image defined
(22) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (22) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (22) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (22) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (22) creating of new post ok, id=9536
DEBUG: (22) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(22) show created page 9536:
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(23) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (23) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239; [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15282 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 09:30:14 ...

(23) title of created page: STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239;
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239; [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15282 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 09:30:14...

(23) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239; [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15282 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 09:30:1...

(23) slug: STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239;
(23) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239; [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58...

(23) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"STUMFILM av Wilmann \/ Stensrud \/ Nilsson \/ Kise&#8239;","sted":"Scene 1","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"482","arrid":"15282","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-22 09:30:14","dato":"2024-09-21","datoslutt":"2024-09-21","datostart":"2024-09-21","datoshowto":"2024-09-21","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15282","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"20:15","stenger":"00:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","slutt":"20:15:00","priser":"250.00 + avgift 20.00\/350.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015282\/1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015282\/thmb1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015282\/small1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015282\/medium1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015282\/large1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"Om sorg over a&#778; miste, og sorg over en verden som faller fra hverandre \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 35px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">STUMFILM er en forestilling eller en fantasi. En dr\u00f8m om det som kanskje var og det som kanskje kunne bli. Et sted der sorga over a&#778; miste vokser sammen med sorga over en verden som faller fra hverandre.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">STUMFILM er et basketak mellom en billedmetta tekstkropp og en kjempende skuespillerkropp. Ine Marie Wilmann pa&#778;kaller, b\u00f8nnfaller, sla&#778;ss og blir sla&#778;tt til jorda, na&#778;r hun tar oss med pa&#778; en reise gjennom et st\u00f8yende flimmer av minner og inntrykk - som a&#778; zappe gjennom tv-kanaler. I klem mellom nostalgi og utopi, flykter hun inn i fremmede kropper og bilder for a&#778; slippe unna det paralyserte bildet av seg sj\u00f8l. Det vakre og det monstr\u00f8se vokser sammen, na&#778;r hun fort\u00e6rer det hun lengter etter og det hun frykter mest med like stor glupskhet. Og tygger i stykker forskjellen.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">STUMFILM er en forestilling om mennesketap og verdenstap, der vi drar oss tilbake til det innerste rommet bare for a&#778; oppdage at verden bl\u00f8r inn overalt.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Kreditter:<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Dramatiker: Sara Li Stensrud <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Regiss\u00f8r: Rebekka Nilsson <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Medskapende skuespiller: Ine Marie Wilmann <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Scenograf og kostymedesigner: Silje Kise <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Komponist og lyddesigner: Matthi&#769;as Sigur\u00f0sson <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Lysdesigner: Randiane Sandboe <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Lystekniker turne&#769;: Ole Stamnes <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Koreografisk konsulent: Ida Wigdel <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Signaturbilder: Silje Kise (design\/skulptering), Markus Li Stensrud (foto) Produsent: Kristin Skiftun <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Prosjektledere: Ine Marie Wilmann, Sara Li Stensrud, Rebekka Nilsson, Silje Kise<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Co-produksjon: TOU Scene, H\u00f8stscena, Vega Scene, Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler, Cornerstone<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">St\u00f8ttet av: Kulturra&#778;det, Fond for lyd og bilde, Bergen dramatikkfestival, Bergen kommune, Dramatikkens hus, Fond for ut\u00f8vende kunstnere, Bergesenstiftelsen, Oslo kommune <br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"17","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11623","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Student","availableprice":"270.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11624","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Student","availableprice":"270.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11621","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"370.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"350.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11622","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"370.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"350.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Dans\/teater","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (23) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;STUMFILM av Wilmann \/ Stensrud \/ Nilsson \/ Kise&amp;#8239;&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Scene 1&a...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(23) featured image URL:
(23) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(23) No url_default for featured image defined
(23) no featured image defined
(23) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (23) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (23) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (23) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (23) creating of new post ok, id=9537
DEBUG: (23) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(23) show created page 9537:
(23) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(24) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (24) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239; [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15283 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 09:30:14 ...

(24) title of created page: STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239;
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239; [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15283 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 09:30:14...

(24) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239; [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15283 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 09:30:1...

(24) slug: STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239;
(24) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => STUMFILM av Wilmann / Stensrud / Nilsson / Kise&#8239; [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58...

(24) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"STUMFILM av Wilmann \/ Stensrud \/ Nilsson \/ Kise&#8239;","sted":"Scene 1","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"482","arrid":"15283","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-22 09:30:14","dato":"2024-09-22","datoslutt":"2024-09-22","datostart":"2024-09-22","datoshowto":"2024-09-22","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15283","starttid":"14:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"15:15","stenger":"00:00:00","starter":"14:00:00","slutt":"15:15:00","priser":"250.00 + avgift 20.00\/350.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015283\/1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015283\/thmb1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015283\/small1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015283\/medium1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015283\/large1.%20Hovedbilde%20_triptykon_.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"Om sorg over a&#778; miste, og sorg over en verden som faller fra hverandre \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 35px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">STUMFILM er en forestilling eller en fantasi. En dr\u00f8m om det som kanskje var og det som kanskje kunne bli. Et sted der sorga over a&#778; miste vokser sammen med sorga over en verden som faller fra hverandre.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">STUMFILM er et basketak mellom en billedmetta tekstkropp og en kjempende skuespillerkropp. Ine Marie Wilmann pa&#778;kaller, b\u00f8nnfaller, sla&#778;ss og blir sla&#778;tt til jorda, na&#778;r hun tar oss med pa&#778; en reise gjennom et st\u00f8yende flimmer av minner og inntrykk - som a&#778; zappe gjennom tv-kanaler. I klem mellom nostalgi og utopi, flykter hun inn i fremmede kropper og bilder for a&#778; slippe unna det paralyserte bildet av seg sj\u00f8l. Det vakre og det monstr\u00f8se vokser sammen, na&#778;r hun fort\u00e6rer det hun lengter etter og det hun frykter mest med like stor glupskhet. Og tygger i stykker forskjellen.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">STUMFILM er en forestilling om mennesketap og verdenstap, der vi drar oss tilbake til det innerste rommet bare for a&#778; oppdage at verden bl\u00f8r inn overalt.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Kreditter:<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Dramatiker: Sara Li Stensrud <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Regiss\u00f8r: Rebekka Nilsson <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Medskapende skuespiller: Ine Marie Wilmann <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Scenograf og kostymedesigner: Silje Kise <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Komponist og lyddesigner: Matthi&#769;as Sigur\u00f0sson <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Lysdesigner: Randiane Sandboe <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Lystekniker turne&#769;: Ole Stamnes <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Koreografisk konsulent: Ida Wigdel <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Signaturbilder: Silje Kise (design\/skulptering), Markus Li Stensrud (foto) Produsent: Kristin Skiftun <br class=\"SCXW107379150 BCX2\" \/> Prosjektledere: Ine Marie Wilmann, Sara Li Stensrud, Rebekka Nilsson, Silje Kise<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Co-produksjon: TOU Scene, H\u00f8stscena, Vega Scene, Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler, Cornerstone<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW107379150 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 16px 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">St\u00f8ttet av: Kulturra&#778;det, Fond for lyd og bilde, Bergen dramatikkfestival, Bergen kommune, Dramatikkens hus, Fond for ut\u00f8vende kunstnere, Bergesenstiftelsen, Oslo kommune <br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"17","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11627","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"270.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11628","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"270.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11625","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"370.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"350.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11626","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"370.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"350.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Dans\/teater","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (24) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;STUMFILM av Wilmann \/ Stensrud \/ Nilsson \/ Kise&amp;#8239;&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Scene 1&a...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(24) featured image URL:
(24) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(24) No url_default for featured image defined
(24) no featured image defined
(24) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (24) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (24) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (24) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (24) creating of new post ok, id=9538
DEBUG: (24) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(24) show created page 9538:
(24) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(25) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (25) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Sebastian Zalo [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14770 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 13:59:04 [dato] => 2024-09-27 [datoslu...

(25) title of created page: Sebastian Zalo
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Sebastian Zalo [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14770 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 13:59:04 [dato] => 2024-09-27 [datos...

(25) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Sebastian Zalo [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14770 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-22 13:59:04 [dato] => 2024-09-27 [dato...

(25) slug: Sebastian Zalo
(25) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Sebastian Zalo [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid...

(25) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Sebastian Zalo","sted":"Maskinhallen","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"511","arrid":"14770","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-22 13:59:04","dato":"2024-09-27","datoslutt":"2024-09-27","datostart":"2024-09-27","datoshowto":"2024-09-27","facebookpixelid":"2086809221450830","gtag":"GTM-P58JD9Z","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14770","starttid":"21:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"23:00","aapner":"20:00:00","stenger":"23:00:00","starter":"21:00:00","slutt":"23:00:00","priser":"200.00 + avgift 25.00\/300.00 + avgift 25.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014770\/Sebastian%20Zalo.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014770\/thmbSebastian%20Zalo.png.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014770\/smallSebastian%20Zalo.png.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014770\/mediumSebastian%20Zalo.png.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014770\/largeSebastian%20Zalo.png.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":"<p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\"><strong>Sebastian Zalo<\/strong> er kjent for sin r\u00e5 energi p\u00e5 scenen, og sammen med sitt dynamiske band har han en magnetisk evne til \u00e5 rocke enhver scene og skape minnerike opplevelser for publikum.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\">Den sjanger-l\u00f8se artisten har et variert repertoar av l\u00e5ter, og har tidligere samarbeidet med artister som Odd Norstoga, Rat City og Onkel P. Med en musikalsk reise som spenner fra vakre og gripende ballader til de feteste<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\">rockeutbrudd, tilbyr Sebastian Zalo og hans band muligheten til \u00e5 oppleve musikkens store kontraster og den magien som oppst\u00e5r n\u00e5r Zalo inntar scenen.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\">Hortens-gutten har sluppet flere l\u00e5ter i \u00e5r, og kommer med albumet KAOS til h\u00f8sten, hvor han blant annet har l\u00e5ter med Smul og Amara. Han gleder seg til \u00e5 spille konserter igjen, og garanterer en live-opplevelse som vil<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\">b\u00e5de begeistre og overraske.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;\"><strong><a href=\"https:\/\/\/artist\/5CGn9wJhdFhjB3DoU7LHX0?si=reavLPJ5TS6iE4pHklZL-g\">H\u00d8R MUSIKKEN<\/a><\/strong><\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.10994","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"225.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.10995","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"225.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.10992","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"325.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.10993","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"325.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (25) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Sebastian Zalo&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&qu...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(25) featured image URL:
(25) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(25) No url_default for featured image defined
(25) no featured image defined
(25) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (25) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (25) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (25) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (25) creating of new post ok, id=9539
DEBUG: (25) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(25) show created page 9539:
(25) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(26) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (26) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Open studios Stavanger [sted] => Atelierhuset [longitude] => 8.46895 [latitude] => 60.472 [stedid] => 566 [arrid] => 15223 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-13 12:43:30 [dato] => 2024-09-29 [...

(26) title of created page: Open studios Stavanger
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Open studios Stavanger [sted] => Atelierhuset [longitude] => 8.46895 [latitude] => 60.472 [stedid] => 566 [arrid] => 15223 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-13 12:43:30 [dato] => 2024-09-29 ...

(26) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Open studios Stavanger [sted] => Atelierhuset [longitude] => 8.46895 [latitude] => 60.472 [stedid] => 566 [arrid] => 15223 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-13 12:43:30 [dato] => 2024-09-29 ...

(26) slug: Open studios Stavanger
(26) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Open studios Stavanger [sted] => Atelierhuset [longitude] => 8.46895 [latitude] => 60.472 [stedid] => 566 ...

(26) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Open studios Stavanger","sted":"Atelierhuset","longitude":"8.46895","latitude":"60.472","stedid":"566","arrid":"15223","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-13 12:43:30","dato":"2024-09-29","datoslutt":"2024-09-29","datostart":"2024-09-28","datoshowto":"2024-09-29","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15223","starttid":"12:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"17:00","starter":"12:00:00","slutt":"17:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015223\/OSS_alternativ2.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015223\/thmbOSS_alternativ2.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015223\/smallOSS_alternativ2.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015223\/mediumOSS_alternativ2.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015223\/largeOSS_alternativ2.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"OSS","arrangoerid":"286","age":"0","tekst":"<p class=\"p1\" style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;\">Initiativet kommer fra kunstnere i atelierhusene <strong>Tou Atelierhus<\/strong> og <strong>ELEFANT<\/strong> i Stavanger, og <strong>Stasjon K<\/strong> i Sandnes. Alle profesjonelle kunstnere i Stavanger og Sandnes er invitert til \u00e5 \u00e5pne sine atelierer for det brede publikum.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p2\" style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p class=\"p1\" style=\"margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-kerning: auto; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;\">I l\u00f8pet av helgen inviteres publikum inn i kunstnernes atelierer, de vil f\u00e5 et unikt innblikk i individuelle kunstneriske prosesser og bli presentert med nye verk, enkelte arbeider vil v\u00e6re tilgjengelig for salg.<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"6","lengdegrad":"8.46895","breddegrad":"60.472","typenavn":"Utstilling\/Billedkunst","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (26) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Open studios Stavanger&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Atelierhuset&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(26) featured image URL:
(26) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(26) No url_default for featured image defined
(26) no featured image defined
(26) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (26) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (26) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (26) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (26) creating of new post ok, id=9540
DEBUG: (26) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(26) show created page 9540:
(26) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(27) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (27) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15206 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:25 [dato] => 2024-10-01 [datoslutt...

(27) title of created page: Electronica meetup
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15206 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:25 [dato] => 2024-10-01 [datoslu...

(27) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15206 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:25 [dato] => 2024-10-01 [datosl...

(27) slug: Electronica meetup
(27) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] ...

(27) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Electronica meetup","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15206","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-12 13:20:25","dato":"2024-10-01","datoslutt":"2024-10-01","datostart":"2024-10-01","datoshowto":"2024-10-01","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15206","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"22:00","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"22:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015206\/electronica_utendato.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015206\/thmbelectronica_utendato.png.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015206\/smallelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015206\/mediumelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015206\/largeelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilder":[{"bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015206\/Elektronika%20meetup_notext.JPG","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015206\/thmbElektronika%20meetup_notext.JPG.png"}],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Electronica Meetup er et inkluderende m\u00f8tested for interesserte i elektronisk musikk. Her m\u00f8ter du andre som er interessert i elektronisk musikk og man trenger ikke kunnskap om elektronisk musikk for \u00e5 v\u00e6re publikummer. Kom for \u00e5 oppleve og l\u00e6re noe nytt!<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Dersom du vil spille en l\u00e5t, improvisere, vise din live-rig, eller presentere noe p\u00e5 Electronica Meetup melder du deg p\u00e5 her: <a href=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"http:\/\/\" data-outlook-id=\"1cb7c538-49f2-4d5e-ac0e-a439a94e97e2\" style=\"color: #0086f0;\"><\/a><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Alle sjangre er velkomne: nytt, gammelt, eksperimentelt, dansbart, improvisert, eller arrangert.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Dersom du ikke \u00f8nsker \u00e5 v\u00e6re en del av programmet og bare vil v\u00e6re i publikum trenger du ikke \u00e5 melde deg p\u00e5. Arrangementet er gratis og \u00e5pent for alle.<\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Web: <a href=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"http:\/\/\" data-outlook-id=\"522d427f-cd22-4e2b-9c67-722ce33034eb\" style=\"color: #0086f0;\"><\/a><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><strong>DATOER H\u00d8STEN 2024:<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">27.august<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">01.oktober<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">29.oktober<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">26.november<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (27) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Electronica meetup&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(27) featured image URL:
(27) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(27) No url_default for featured image defined
(27) no featured image defined
(27) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (27) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (27) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (27) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (27) creating of new post ok, id=9541
DEBUG: (27) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(27) show created page 9541:
(27) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(28) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (28) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15280 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-04 12:52:49 [dato] => 2024-10...

(28) title of created page: My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15280 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-04 12:52:49 [dato] => 2024-...

(28) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15280 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-04 12:52:49 [dato] => 2024...

(28) slug: My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry
(28) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] =>...

(28) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry","sted":"Scene 1","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"482","arrid":"15280","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-04 12:52:49","dato":"2024-10-03","datoslutt":"2024-10-03","datostart":"2024-10-03","datoshowto":"2024-10-03","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15280","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"20:20","stenger":"00:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","slutt":"20:20:00","priser":"250.00 + avgift 20.00\/450.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015280\/Dinner%20with%20Putin_1_.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015280\/thmbDinner%20with%20Putin_1_.png.png","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":" \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">-R\u00e5tt og personlig om Hollywood, krig og makt<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Etter et underbetalt frilansoppdrag f\u00e5r skuespiller Kate Pendry plutselig tilbud om \u00e5 spille i en Hollywood-film med Robert De Niro, regissert av verdenskjente Nikita Mikhalkov. Hva som f\u00f8lger er utgangspunktet for denne kritikerroste monologforestillingen.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Med raffinerte virkemidler f\u00e5r vi h\u00f8re om b\u00e5de personlige lengsler, medias fetisjering av krig og verdensbilder i forandring. Pendry forteller om et liv under n\u00e5del\u00f8se omstendigheter, og hopper s\u00f8ml\u00f8st mellom arbeiderklassen i Wien i 1933, til Moskva i 2022 og til Los Angeles i 1955. Vi m\u00f8ter Pussy Riot, Robert De Niro og Putin. Samtidig som vi m\u00f8ter en skuespillerinne som spiller seg selv, som spiller en skuespiller p\u00e5 audition for rollen som en skuespiller som er henne selv.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">My dinner with Putin er en hudl\u00f8s og henrivende skildring av dr\u00f8mmer, makt og storpolitikk. Der moral og ideologisk overbevisning m\u00e5 vike for egen vinning.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br class=\"SCXW82009836 BCX2\" \/>Nominert til Heddapris for Beste scenetekst, 2023<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Nominert til Kritikerprisen for beste teaterforestilling, 2023<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px 0px 10.6667px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00abPendry's craftswomanship, both as a writer and actor, is remarkable to say the least\u00bb<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">- Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00ab\u0085\u00e5rets s\u00e5reste og viktigste monologforestilling\u00bb<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">- Aftenposten, terningkast 6<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00abSpr\u00e5ket er nydelig, tidvis helt poetisk\u00bb <br class=\"SCXW82009836 BCX2\" \/>- Nordlys, terningkast 6<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00abDette er monologkunst p\u00e5 sitt aller mest raffinerte\u00bb<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">- Dagsavisen, terningkast 5<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00aben virkelig god forestilling jeg ikke kan riste av meg.\u00bb<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">-<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Tekst og skuespiller: Kate Pendry<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Regiss\u00f8r: Mads Sj\u00f8g\u00e5rd Pettersen<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Musiker, teknikniker og komponist: Audun Aschim<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Produsent: Syv mil\/ Camilla Svingen<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Kameraf\u00f8rer: Borgar Skjelstad<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Lysdesigner: Martin Maisch Brandvoll<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Tekniker: Thomas Gallagher<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Lyddesign: Thomas Hildebrand<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Fotograf: Tormod Lindgren<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">St\u00f8ttet av: Kulturdirektoratet, Fond for lyd og bilde, Bergesenstiftelsen, Dramatikkens Hus, Fritt Ord, FFUK, Stikk.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Forestillingen er produsert av Syv mil og Kate Pendry i samarbeid med Vega Scene, \u00d8stfold Internasjonale Teater og Hamar Teater. <br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"17","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11616","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studen","availableprice":"270.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11615","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Student","availableprice":"270.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11613","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"470.00","availablepriceamount":"450.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"450.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11614","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"470.00","availablepriceamount":"450.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"450.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Dans\/teater","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (28) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Scene 1&quot;,&quot;longitude&a...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(28) featured image URL:
(28) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(28) No url_default for featured image defined
(28) no featured image defined
(28) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (28) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (28) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (28) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (28) creating of new post ok, id=9542
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(28) show created page 9542:
(28) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(29) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (29) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15281 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-04 12:52:49 [dato] => 2024-10...

(29) title of created page: My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15281 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-04 12:52:49 [dato] => 2024-...

(29) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 482 [arrid] => 15281 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-04 12:52:49 [dato] => 2024...

(29) slug: My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry
(29) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry [sted] => Scene 1 [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] =>...

(29) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry","sted":"Scene 1","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"482","arrid":"15281","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-04 12:52:49","dato":"2024-10-04","datoslutt":"2024-10-04","datostart":"2024-10-04","datoshowto":"2024-10-04","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15281","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"20:20","stenger":"00:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","slutt":"20:20:00","priser":"250.00 + avgift 20.00\/450.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015281\/Dinner%20with%20Putin_1_.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015281\/thmbDinner%20with%20Putin_1_.png.png","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":" \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">-R\u00e5tt og personlig om Hollywood, krig og makt<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Etter et underbetalt frilansoppdrag f\u00e5r skuespiller Kate Pendry plutselig tilbud om \u00e5 spille i en Hollywood-film med Robert De Niro, regissert av verdenskjente Nikita Mikhalkov. Hva som f\u00f8lger er utgangspunktet for denne kritikerroste monologforestillingen.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Med raffinerte virkemidler f\u00e5r vi h\u00f8re om b\u00e5de personlige lengsler, medias fetisjering av krig og verdensbilder i forandring. Pendry forteller om et liv under n\u00e5del\u00f8se omstendigheter, og hopper s\u00f8ml\u00f8st mellom arbeiderklassen i Wien i 1933, til Moskva i 2022 og til Los Angeles i 1955. Vi m\u00f8ter Pussy Riot, Robert De Niro og Putin. Samtidig som vi m\u00f8ter en skuespillerinne som spiller seg selv, som spiller en skuespiller p\u00e5 audition for rollen som en skuespiller som er henne selv.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">My dinner with Putin er en hudl\u00f8s og henrivende skildring av dr\u00f8mmer, makt og storpolitikk. Der moral og ideologisk overbevisning m\u00e5 vike for egen vinning.<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br class=\"SCXW82009836 BCX2\" \/>Nominert til Heddapris for Beste scenetekst, 2023<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Nominert til Kritikerprisen for beste teaterforestilling, 2023<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px 0px 10.6667px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00abPendry's craftswomanship, both as a writer and actor, is remarkable to say the least\u00bb<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">- Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00ab\u0085\u00e5rets s\u00e5reste og viktigste monologforestilling\u00bb<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">- Aftenposten, terningkast 6<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00abSpr\u00e5ket er nydelig, tidvis helt poetisk\u00bb <br class=\"SCXW82009836 BCX2\" \/>- Nordlys, terningkast 6<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00abDette er monologkunst p\u00e5 sitt aller mest raffinerte\u00bb<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">- Dagsavisen, terningkast 5<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">\u00aben virkelig god forestilling jeg ikke kan riste av meg.\u00bb<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">-<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Tekst og skuespiller: Kate Pendry<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Regiss\u00f8r: Mads Sj\u00f8g\u00e5rd Pettersen<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Musiker, teknikniker og komponist: Audun Aschim<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Produsent: Syv mil\/ Camilla Svingen<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Kameraf\u00f8rer: Borgar Skjelstad<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Lysdesigner: Martin Maisch Brandvoll<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Tekniker: Thomas Gallagher<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Lyddesign: Thomas Hildebrand<\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Fotograf: Tormod Lindgren<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">St\u00f8ttet av: Kulturdirektoratet, Fond for lyd og bilde, Bergesenstiftelsen, Dramatikkens Hus, Fritt Ord, FFUK, Stikk.<\/p> \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n <p class=\"Paragraph SCXW82009836 BCX2\" style=\"font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-indent: 0px;\">Forestillingen er produsert av Syv mil og Kate Pendry i samarbeid med Vega Scene, \u00d8stfold Internasjonale Teater og Hamar Teater. <br \/><\/p> \r\n \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"17","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11620","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studen","availableprice":"270.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11619","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Student","availableprice":"270.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11618","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"470.00","availablepriceamount":"450.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"450.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11617","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Ordin\u00e6r","availableprice":"470.00","availablepriceamount":"450.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"450.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Dans\/teater","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (29) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;My dinner with Putin av Kate Pendry&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Scene 1&quot;,&quot;longitude&a...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(29) featured image URL:
(29) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
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(29) no featured image defined
(29) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
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DEBUG: (29) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (29) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (29) creating of new post ok, id=9543
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(30) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (30) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
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(30) title of created page: Albin Lee Meldau
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Albin Lee Meldau [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14958 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:26:26 [dato] => 2024-10-18 [dat...

(30) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
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(30) slug: Albin Lee Meldau
(30) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
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twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Albin Lee Meldau [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arr...

(30) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Albin Lee Meldau","sted":"Maskinhallen","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"511","arrid":"14958","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-19 11:26:26","dato":"2024-10-18","datoslutt":"2024-10-18","datostart":"2024-10-18","datoshowto":"2024-10-18","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14958","starttid":"21:00","timezoneoffset":"+02:00","slutttid":"22:00","aapner":"20:00:00","stenger":"23:00:00","starter":"21:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","priser":"250.00 + avgift 25.00\/350.00 + avgift 25.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014958\/AL_03.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014958\/thmbAL_03.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014958\/smallAL_03.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014958\/mediumAL_03.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014958\/largeAL_03.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":"<p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">Albin Lee Meldau til Stavanger!<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"> <\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><strong>Albin Lee Meldau har en unik evne til \u00e5 treffe publikum, med sine poetiske og r\u00f8rende tekster, vakre melodier, nydelig stemme, og sin fantastiske evne til historiefortelling. Han slipper straks albumet <em>Discomforts<\/em>, og i h\u00f8st kommer den popul\u00e6re svensken til Tou i Stavanger!<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">Albin Lee Meldau har for lengst vunnet hjertene hjemme i Sverige, etter \u00e5 ha deltatt i S\u00e5 Mycket B\u00e4ttre (Hver Gang Vi M\u00f8tes) b\u00e5de i 2018 og 2022. Han debuterte i 2015 med singelen \u00abLou Lou\u00bb, en l\u00e5t som n\u00e5dde lyttere over hele verden, og som ble fulgt opp av to EP-er og turneer b\u00e5de i USA og Europa. I 2018 slapp han sitt f\u00f8rste album, <em>About You<\/em>, og i 2020 kom oppf\u00f8lgeren <em>P\u00e5 Svenska<\/em>. Det er et veldig personlig album, der han forteller om reisen fra rusmisbruk til et nyktert liv.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">Det etterlengtede tredjealbumet <em>Discomforts<\/em> er p\u00e5 vei, og til h\u00f8sten tar han med seg de nye l\u00e5tene, samt gamle favoritter, ut p\u00e5 turn\u00e9.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><strong><a href=\"https:\/\/\/artist\/1AdKbbV5v6ifuJertEjNeK?si=jql4zttIR564QNMtDlpaeg\">H\u00d8R MUSIKKEN<\/a><\/strong><\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11260","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"275.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11261","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"275.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"250.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11258","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"375.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"350.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11259","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"375.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"25.00","availablepricestring":"350.00 + avgift 25.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (30) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Albin Lee Meldau&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(30) featured image URL:
(30) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
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(30) no featured image defined
(30) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
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DEBUG: (30) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (30) creating of new post ok, id=9544
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(31) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (31) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15208 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:53 [dato] => 2024-10-29 [datoslutt...

(31) title of created page: Electronica meetup
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15208 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:53 [dato] => 2024-10-29 [datoslu...

(31) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15208 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:20:53 [dato] => 2024-10-29 [datosl...

(31) slug: Electronica meetup
(31) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] ...

(31) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Electronica meetup","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15208","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-12 13:20:53","dato":"2024-10-29","datoslutt":"2024-10-29","datostart":"2024-10-29","datoshowto":"2024-10-29","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15208","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+01:00","slutttid":"22:00","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"22:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015208\/electronica_utendato.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015208\/thmbelectronica_utendato.png.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015208\/smallelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015208\/mediumelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015208\/largeelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilder":[{"bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015208\/Elektronika%20meetup_notext.JPG","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015208\/thmbElektronika%20meetup_notext.JPG.png"}],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Electronica Meetup er et inkluderende m\u00f8tested for interesserte i elektronisk musikk. Her m\u00f8ter du andre som er interessert i elektronisk musikk og man trenger ikke kunnskap om elektronisk musikk for \u00e5 v\u00e6re publikummer. Kom for \u00e5 oppleve og l\u00e6re noe nytt!<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Dersom du vil spille en l\u00e5t, improvisere, vise din live-rig, eller presentere noe p\u00e5 Electronica Meetup melder du deg p\u00e5 her: <a href=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"http:\/\/\" data-outlook-id=\"1cb7c538-49f2-4d5e-ac0e-a439a94e97e2\" style=\"color: #0086f0;\"><\/a><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Alle sjangre er velkomne: nytt, gammelt, eksperimentelt, dansbart, improvisert, eller arrangert.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Dersom du ikke \u00f8nsker \u00e5 v\u00e6re en del av programmet og bare vil v\u00e6re i publikum trenger du ikke \u00e5 melde deg p\u00e5. Arrangementet er gratis og \u00e5pent for alle.<\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Web: <a href=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"http:\/\/\" data-outlook-id=\"522d427f-cd22-4e2b-9c67-722ce33034eb\" style=\"color: #0086f0;\"><\/a><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><strong>DATOER H\u00d8STEN 2024:<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">27.august<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">01.oktober<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">29.oktober<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">26.november<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (31) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Electronica meetup&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(31) featured image URL:
(31) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(31) No url_default for featured image defined
(31) no featured image defined
(31) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (31) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (31) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (31) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (31) creating of new post ok, id=9545
DEBUG: (31) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(31) show created page 9545:
(31) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(32) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (32) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Moonchild Sanelly [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14940 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:31:38 [dato] => 2024-10-31 [dato...

(32) title of created page: Moonchild Sanelly
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Moonchild Sanelly [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14940 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:31:38 [dato] => 2024-10-31 [da...

(32) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Moonchild Sanelly [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14940 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-07-18 11:31:38 [dato] => 2024-10-31 [d...

(32) slug: Moonchild Sanelly
(32) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Moonchild Sanelly [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [ar...

(32) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Moonchild Sanelly","sted":"Maskinhallen","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"511","arrid":"14940","eventlastchanged":"2024-07-18 11:31:38","dato":"2024-10-31","datoslutt":"2024-10-31","datostart":"2024-10-31","datoshowto":"2024-10-31","facebookpixelid":"2086809221450830","snaptrid":"b375e576-7361-4c0b-84ca-ed894b0961eb","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14940","starttid":"20:00","timezoneoffset":"+01:00","slutttid":"21:30","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"22:00:00","starter":"20:00:00","slutt":"21:30:00","priser":"200.00 + avgift 20.00\/300.00 + avgift 20.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014940\/pink2.CreditPhatstoki-of-Joe-Laptop.jpeg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014940\/thmbpink2.CreditPhatstoki-of-Joe-Laptop.jpeg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014940\/smallpink2.CreditPhatstoki-of-Joe-Laptop.jpeg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014940\/mediumpink2.CreditPhatstoki-of-Joe-Laptop.jpeg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014940\/largepink2.CreditPhatstoki-of-Joe-Laptop.jpeg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":" \r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\"><strong style=\"font-size: 12pt;\">Overd\u00e5dig s\u00f8rafrikansk kunstpop-eksplosjon<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Med sine mangefasetterte musikalske utforskninger, utflippa kostymer og samarbeid med Damon Albarn, Gorillaz og African Express under beltet, har den s\u00f8rafrikanske musikeren Moonchild Sanelly gjort ting p\u00e5 sin egen m\u00e5te fra begynnelsen. Sanelisiwe Twisha vokste opp i Port Elizabeth med en bror som produserte hip hop og en mamma som lot henne v\u00e6re med i dansekonkurranser. Det var en oppvekst full av musikk, og lidenskapen ble virkelig tent da hun flyttet til Durban i 2005 for \u00e5 studere mote. Der fordypet hun seg i den lokale scenen f\u00f8r hun flyttet til Johannesburg, hvor hun skrev for reggaeband og freestylet mot andre rappere.&nbsp;<\/p> \r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"line-height: 1.54286; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: -1pt;\">Etter hvert skapte hun en helt egen sammensmelting hun beskriver som futuristisk ghetto-funk, med et live-show overd\u00e5dige antrekk hun designer selv. F\u00f8rst ble hun en stjerne p\u00e5 hjemmebane, og senere fant hun et globalt publikum \u0096 hun har spilt p\u00e5 festivaler som SXSW, Primavera, Glastonbury og Boardmasters. Etter at debutalbum \"Rabulpha!\" satte henne p\u00e5 verdenskartet, signerte hun p\u00e5 Transgressive records i 2020, hvor hun f\u00f8rst ga ut den mangfoldige mini-LPen \"N\u00fcdes\", f\u00f8r \"Phases\" kom: et album som kj\u00f8rer krappe svinger mellom amapiano, gqom, grime, pop, house og R&B, samtidig som hun f\u00e5r vist stemmen sin p\u00e5 mer nedtonet materiale. Moonchild Sanelly forblir en s\u00e6regent mangfoldig artist. N\u00e5 st\u00e5r hun for f\u00f8rste gang p\u00e5 scenen i Stavanger n\u00e5r hun kommer til Tou 31. oktober! <\/p> \r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"line-height: 1.54286; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: -1pt;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"line-height: 1.54286; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: -1pt;\"><strong><a href=\"https:\/\/\/channel\/UCotS95j4jtOfhnX1f3qDxrg\">SE VIDEO<\/a><\/strong><\/p> \r\n <br \/>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11236","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"220.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11237","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"220.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11234","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"320.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11235","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"320.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (32) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Moonchild Sanelly&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(32) featured image URL:
(32) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(32) No url_default for featured image defined
(32) no featured image defined
(32) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (32) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (32) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (32) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (32) creating of new post ok, id=9546
DEBUG: (32) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(32) show created page 9546:
(32) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(33) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (33) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Kin'gongolo Kiniata [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14882 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:28:05 [dato] => 2024-11-03 ...

(33) title of created page: Kin'gongolo Kiniata
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Kin'gongolo Kiniata [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14882 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:28:05 [dato] => 2024-11-03 ...

(33) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Kin'gongolo Kiniata [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14882 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:28:05 [dato] => 2024-11-03...

(33) slug: Kin'gongolo Kiniata
(33) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Kin'gongolo Kiniata [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 ...

(33) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Kin'gongolo Kiniata","sted":"Maskinhallen","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"511","arrid":"14882","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-19 11:28:05","dato":"2024-11-03","datoslutt":"2024-11-03","datostart":"2024-11-03","datoshowto":"2024-11-03","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14882","starttid":"20:00","timezoneoffset":"+01:00","slutttid":"21:30","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"22:30:00","starter":"20:00:00","slutt":"21:30:00","priser":"200.00 + avgift 20.00\/300.00 + avgift 30.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014882\/B0006340-kopi.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014882\/thmbB0006340-kopi.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014882\/smallB0006340-kopi.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014882\/mediumB0006340-kopi.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014882\/largeB0006340-kopi.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":"Kin'Gongolo Kiniata er den nye generasjonen av musikere fra Kinshasa. N\u00e6ret av lydene fra byen, oversetter gruppen det hektiske livet p\u00e5 gatene til musikken deres. De lager sine egne instrumenter med resirkulerte objekter og utforsker lydteksturer for \u00e5 produsere eksperimentell Afro-pop med en punk-energi mellom elektro og kongolesiske rytmer.&nbsp; \r\n <br \/> \r\n Tekstene p\u00e5 Ingala (et av de mest talte spr\u00e5kene i Kongo) ber\u00f8rer ulike temaer om h\u00e5p og utholdenhet. En hyllest til de omreisende arbeiderne, en sang mot krigen i Kongo, en oppmuntring til ungdommen i Kinshasa...&nbsp; \r\n <br \/> \r\n I perioden med str\u00f8mbrudd i Kongo, brakte de omreisende oljeselgerne folk det n\u00f8dvendige for \u00e5 lage lys. Lyden av boksene de bar rundt l\u00f8d &quot;kingongolo, kingongolo, kingongolo...&quot;. \r\n <br \/> \r\n <a href=\"https:\/\/\/artist\/7zfl0DQa6Ds6AsB1OQBM54?si=g-TLTSkGQiGszeY_wWl9cQ\"><strong>H\u00d8R MUSIKKEN<\/strong><\/a>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11160","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"220.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11161","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"220.00","availablepriceamount":"200.00","availablepricefee":"20.00","availablepricestring":"200.00 + avgift 20.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11158","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"330.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"30.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 30.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11159","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"330.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"30.00","availablepricestring":"300.00 + avgift 30.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (33) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Kin&#039;gongolo Kiniata&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen&quot;,&quot;longitude&...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(33) featured image URL:
(33) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(33) No url_default for featured image defined
(33) no featured image defined
(33) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (33) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (33) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (33) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (33) creating of new post ok, id=9547
DEBUG: (33) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(33) show created page 9547:
(33) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(34) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (34) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Klossmajor [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14894 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:29:31 [dato] => 2024-11-21 [datoslutt] ...

(34) title of created page: Klossmajor
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Klossmajor [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14894 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:29:31 [dato] => 2024-11-21 [datoslutt...

(34) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Klossmajor [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] => 14894 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-19 11:29:31 [dato] => 2024-11-21 [datoslut...

(34) slug: Klossmajor
(34) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Klossmajor [sted] => Maskinhallen [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 511 [arrid] =&...

(34) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Klossmajor","sted":"Maskinhallen","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"511","arrid":"14894","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-19 11:29:31","dato":"2024-11-21","datoslutt":"2024-11-21","datostart":"2024-11-21","datoshowto":"2024-11-21","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/14894","starttid":"20:00","timezoneoffset":"+01:00","slutttid":"22:00","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"23:00:00","starter":"20:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","priser":"250.00\/300.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014894\/Pressebilde%20_22Naturen_22%20turne%2024%20_foto%20Guro%20Sommer_.jpg","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000014894\/thmbPressebilde%20_22Naturen_22%20turne%2024%20_foto%20Guro%20Sommer_.jpg.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014894\/smallPressebilde%20_22Naturen_22%20turne%2024%20_foto%20Guro%20Sommer_.jpg.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014894\/mediumPressebilde%20_22Naturen_22%20turne%2024%20_foto%20Guro%20Sommer_.jpg.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000014894\/largePressebilde%20_22Naturen_22%20turne%2024%20_foto%20Guro%20Sommer_.jpg.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":" \r\n \r\n \r\n <p>Med trestemt vokal, rap, en god dose humor og glimt i \u00f8yet er Klossmajor na&#778; klare med sitt tredje album og turne&#769;!<\/p> \r\n <p>\u00abNaturen\u00bb slippes i sin helhet i Oktober, og bandet feirer med en lengre Norgesturne&#769;. Groovy, feelgood og chill synger de tre vokalistene om oppvekst, kj\u00e6rlighet og relasjoner, na&#778; med litt flere erfaringer under beltet. Med gode kritikker pa&#778; albumene \u00abOrdner seg for snille jenter\u00bb og \u00abAlt jeg ikke har\u00bb opparbeider Klossmajor stadig sin plass som en trofast musikalsk f\u00f8lgesvenn ba&#778;de innspilt og live!<\/p> \r\n <p>De tre vokalistene (Karoline Karlsen, Dorothea \u00d8kland, Maja S\u00f8rb\u00f8) veksler pa&#778; a&#778; v\u00e6re i front med sterke vokalharmonier, fl\u00f8yelsmyke melodier og innslag av rap, og har med seg et st\u00f8dig band og medprodusenter (Ha&#778;vard Ersland, Martin Morland, Sander Eriksen Nordahl, Olav Abildgaard). Sammen tar de deg med inn i et landskap med atmosf\u00e6riske synther, florlette rytmer og tekster som treffer midt i brystet. Karoline Karlsen skriver kontante og \u00e6rlige pop-perler, la&#778;tene fester seg til hjernen og gjenklangen ljomer i \u00f8ret i lang tid etterpa&#778;! <\/p>\r\n <p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/artist\/1XgbkJNbyHcYaa4WAjGlCc?si=rQQXIoA5SvOeae7Hi0ZINw\"><strong>H\u00d8R MUSIKKEN<\/strong><\/a><\/p> \r\n \r\n \r\n ","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11180","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"250.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"0.00","availablepricestring":"250.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11181","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"250.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"0.00","availablepricestring":"250.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11178","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"300.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"0.00","availablepricestring":"300.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11179","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"300.00","availablepriceamount":"300.00","availablepricefee":"0.00","availablepricestring":"300.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (34) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Klossmajor&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;Maskinhallen&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot;5...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(34) featured image URL:
(34) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(34) No url_default for featured image defined
(34) no featured image defined
(34) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (34) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (34) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (34) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (34) creating of new post ok, id=9548
DEBUG: (34) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(34) show created page 9548:
(34) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(35) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (35) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Marthe Valle [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15137 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-25 13:00:39 [dato] => 2024-11-22 [datoslutt] =>...

(35) title of created page: Marthe Valle
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Marthe Valle [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15137 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-25 13:00:39 [dato] => 2024-11-22 [datoslutt] =&...

(35) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Marthe Valle [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15137 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-25 13:00:39 [dato] => 2024-11-22 [datoslutt] =...

(35) slug: Marthe Valle
(35) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Marthe Valle [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => ...

(35) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Marthe Valle","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15137","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-25 13:00:39","dato":"2024-11-22","datoslutt":"2024-11-22","datostart":"2024-11-22","datoshowto":"2024-11-22","facebookpixelid":"2086809221450830","gtag":"GTM-P58JD9Z","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15137","starttid":"20:00","timezoneoffset":"+01:00","slutttid":"22:00","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"23:00:00","starter":"20:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","priser":"250.00\/350.00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015137\/marthe%20valle%20-%20edit.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015137\/thmbmarthe%20valle%20-%20edit.png.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015137\/smallmarthe%20valle%20-%20edit.png.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015137\/mediummarthe%20valle%20-%20edit.png.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015137\/largemarthe%20valle%20-%20edit.png.jpg","bilder":[],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"18","tekst":"<p style=\"margin: 0in;\"><strong>Samlingssanger - historier fra Palestina og de greske<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\"><strong>flyktningleirene<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">Kan musikken sette ord p\u00e5 det som skjer i verden og i oss, n\u00e5r det<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">f\u00f8les som at mye blir m\u00f8rkere? Kan vi samles om h\u00e5p og fellesskap i en urolig tid?<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">Marthe Valle har i de siste 17 \u00e5rene jobbet med solidaritetsarbeid i<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">Palestina, i de greske flyktningleirene og her hjemme. Kunst og<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">aktivisme er viktigere enn noensinne, og gjennom \u00e5 v\u00e6re en<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">kunnskapsrik og tydelig stemme for menneskeverd og frihet har<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">Marthe \u00e5pnet opp mange d\u00f8rer for engasjement og samtale.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">Marthe er aktuell med b\u00e5de boka &quot;H\u00e5p er det du gj\u00f8r&quot; og albumet<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">&quot;Samlingssanger&quot; - som var bestillingsverk til Vise- og<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">Lyrikkfestivalen i Haugesund. Med dette som utgangspunkt gj\u00f8r<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">hun n\u00e5 noen eksklusive solokonserter der hun deler av sine mange<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">erfaringer og tanker om hvordan vi skal holde fast i troen p\u00e5 at det<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">nytter \u00e5 st\u00e5 sammen i kampen for en bedre verden. Konserten er<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">en intim og verdi-orientert opplevelse fremf\u00f8rt av en av v\u00e5r tids<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\">sterkeste stemmer.<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0in;\"><strong><a href=\"%20https:\/\/\/artist\/42fMKlSwOE2GAH0Mf9AI4q?si=5wcHKYDGQVaMQvtW6OuL_w\">H\u00d8R MUSIKKEN<\/a><\/strong><\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","ticketsavailable":[{"availableid":"15.11458","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"250.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"0.00","availablepricestring":"250.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11459","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Studentbillett","availableprice":"250.00","availablepriceamount":"250.00","availablepricefee":"0.00","availablepricestring":"250.00","availableforsale":"NET"},{"availableid":"15.11456","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"350.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"0.00","availablepricestring":"350.00","availableforsale":"LOCAL"},{"availableid":"15.11457","noinvoice":"true","availablename":"Vanligbillett","availableprice":"350.00","availablepriceamount":"350.00","availablepricefee":"0.00","availablepricestring":"350.00","availableforsale":"NET"}],"utsolgt":"false","liteigjen":"false","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (35) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Marthe Valle&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot;5.757...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(35) featured image URL:
(35) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(35) No url_default for featured image defined
(35) no featured image defined
(35) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (35) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (35) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (35) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (35) creating of new post ok, id=9549
DEBUG: (35) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(35) show created page 9549:
(35) no extra customfields in shortcode defined. Example: "customfields": #BRO# {"extracustomfield1":"extravalue1"}, {"1#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue2#SQM#SingleQuote#SQM#"}, {"2#SEP#extracustomfield2":"extravalue3"}#BRC#}

(36) check on required fields: navn
DEBUG: (36) key of item: 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15209 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:21:10 [dato] => 2024-11-26 [datoslutt...

(36) title of created page: Electronica meetup
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15209 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:21:10 [dato] => 2024-11-26 [datoslu...

(36) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{navn}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] => 15209 [eventlastchanged] => 2024-06-12 13:21:10 [dato] => 2024-11-26 [datosl...

(36) slug: Electronica meetup
(36) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): <p>Default Twig-template
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {{ _context | json_encode }}</p>
twig-JSON: Array ( [spillested] => TOU [spillestedid] => 15 [navn] => Electronica meetup [sted] => loftet [longitude] => 5.75797 [latitude] => 58.9695 [stedid] => 427 [arrid] ...

(36) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:<br> {"spillested":"TOU","spillestedid":"15","navn":"Electronica meetup","sted":"loftet","longitude":"5.75797","latitude":"58.9695","stedid":"427","arrid":"15209","eventlastchanged":"2024-06-12 13:21:10","dato":"2024-11-26","datoslutt":"2024-11-26","datostart":"2024-11-26","datoshowto":"2024-11-26","link":"https:\/\/\/page\/no\/15\/-\/15209","starttid":"19:00","timezoneoffset":"+01:00","slutttid":"22:00","aapner":"19:00:00","stenger":"22:00:00","starter":"19:00:00","slutt":"22:00:00","bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015209\/electronica_utendato.png","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015209\/thmbelectronica_utendato.png.png","bilde_small":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015209\/smallelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilde_medium":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015209\/mediumelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilde_large":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer_resized\/00000015209\/largeelectronica_utendato.png.jpg","bilder":[{"bilde":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015209\/Elektronika%20meetup_notext.JPG","thumb":"https:\/\/\/bilder\/Tou\/arrangementer\/00000015209\/thmbElektronika%20meetup_notext.JPG.png"}],"arrangoernavn":"Tou","arrangoerid":"1","age":"0","tekst":"<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Electronica Meetup er et inkluderende m\u00f8tested for interesserte i elektronisk musikk. Her m\u00f8ter du andre som er interessert i elektronisk musikk og man trenger ikke kunnskap om elektronisk musikk for \u00e5 v\u00e6re publikummer. Kom for \u00e5 oppleve og l\u00e6re noe nytt!<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Dersom du vil spille en l\u00e5t, improvisere, vise din live-rig, eller presentere noe p\u00e5 Electronica Meetup melder du deg p\u00e5 her: <a href=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"http:\/\/\" data-outlook-id=\"1cb7c538-49f2-4d5e-ac0e-a439a94e97e2\" style=\"color: #0086f0;\"><\/a><\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Alle sjangre er velkomne: nytt, gammelt, eksperimentelt, dansbart, improvisert, eller arrangert.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto;\" \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Dersom du ikke \u00f8nsker \u00e5 v\u00e6re en del av programmet og bare vil v\u00e6re i publikum trenger du ikke \u00e5 melde deg p\u00e5. Arrangementet er gratis og \u00e5pent for alle.<\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\"><br \/><\/p>\r\n <p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"caret-color: #000000; font-family: Aptos; font-size: 16px; text-size-adjust: auto; line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;\">Web: <a href=\"http:\/\/\" title=\"http:\/\/\" data-outlook-id=\"522d427f-cd22-4e2b-9c67-722ce33034eb\" style=\"color: #0086f0;\"><\/a><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><br \/><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\"><strong>DATOER H\u00d8STEN 2024:<\/strong><\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">27.august<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">01.oktober<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">29.oktober<\/p> \r\n <p style=\"margin: 0cm;\">26.november<\/p>","teaser":"","typeid":"16","by":"Stavanger","postnummer":"4014","gateadresse":"Kvits\u00f8ygata 25","lengdegrad":"5.75797","breddegrad":"58.9695","typenavn":"Musikk","urlparam":""}</p>
DEBUG: (36) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Default Twig-template for showing the complete JSON-data:&lt;br&gt; {&quot;spillested&quot;:&quot;TOU&quot;,&quot;spillestedid&quot;:&quot;15&quot;,&quot;navn&quot;:&quot;Electronica meetup&quot;,&quot;sted&quot;:&quot;loftet&quot;,&quot;longitude&quot;:&quot...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(36) featured image URL:
(36) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(36) No url_default for featured image defined
(36) no featured image defined
(36) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (36) page postdate: 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (36) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (36) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-26 04:51:30
DEBUG: (36) creating of new post ok, id=9550
DEBUG: (36) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 69080cee5b6d4c35a8bbf5c48335fe08
(36) show created page 9550:
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